Saturday, June 29, 2013

million dollar

the question at this point
is how to avoid degenerating into
the excesses of plenty

loose ends
attaching too much meaning to trifles
melancholia without a cause
looking for melancholia where there is none

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

No words for it

Dispersion from an erstwhile homeland
Is diaspora
Often characterized by
An inability to make a home
Anywhere else

What of those
Dispersed from a land
That was never theirs
Also characterized by
An inability to make a home
Anywhere else

A longing for ancient roots
Is atavista
What about an attachment
To roots that are not your own

Where the heart is

Though she spent just one night in the house
And many many years in several others
To her that house would always be home
Because it was to there she always wanted to go
In her dreams

(only she could never get there
even in dreams)

Merciless me

Just a few faults you have
Swimming in the sea of goodness
And yet i say
Having known him i know
The person i do not want to be

Excuses, excuses
For taking less care of you
For investing less into the relationship
For exonerating myself of being lazy
Emotionally lazy
(you are not a nice person, after all
What do i care if it hurts you?)

It scares me to imagine
What I could do
If you had given me
Enough reason
To really hate you

Saturday, June 15, 2013

In love

The same person always says
The first sorry
And the last goodnight