Saturday, May 31, 2014


I am not angry with you
It just so happened that
You killed my spirit 
And i need some time off

But i suppose
It's all the same to you

But you are my muse

I scatter you
So indiscriminately
In my poems

And i am afraid that
When someone picks up 
the pieces
And joins them
They will not find the whole
That is my muse

But just the parts
That are the Furies
Following me around

Monday, May 26, 2014

My goddess

The queen you are
Who walks on water
Lives on air
As if this world
Was not my mundane one
But one of
Your own personal

Dreams on fire

As they say,
Once a bird has tasted flight
It will never be content
With the ground

And so i cannot but 
Love you
For reminding me that
It is possible to fly
Like you

I hate you

For reminding me
That the things i imagine
Bind me
Don't really bind me.
I do.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

That awkward point in adolescence when

You do a quiz called 
how popular are you
End up in the bottom decile
And redo the quiz
Until you are in the middle

And you don't want to acknowledge 
That not even the leaked question paper
Can get you top ranks

Ever skeptical me

Nothing can convince me
Of the permanence of your love

If you tatto my name
Over your heart
I will wonder everyday
If today is the day
You will want it erased

Monday, May 19, 2014

No way out

The worst part is when
I am convinced
That the socially acceptable me
Is the only me that is possible

What's behind the facade?

Some people always give
The socially acceptable answer
To any question
Making me wonder
If that is really what they feel
The processes of their arriving at
A diffficult position to defend
Emotionally and factually
But enormously praised

Friday, May 16, 2014

Existential question

To you i am
Just a close friend
One of many.
Still special,
But nowhere near 

For me you are 
An existential question
Where do i belong?
With me or with you?

Monday, May 12, 2014


It's easy to make logic
And say
Something that makes sense
To explain your actions

But in your heart you know
That truth lies much deeper
Beyond the bounds of logic

Scratch scratch scratch
Endlessly on a piece of paper
Pretend you want to
Express yourself
Make yourself understood
To the world

When the only objective is
To get at yourself
To try and understand
Your own actions
To absolve yourself of sins
By acknolwedging them
In a roundabout way
To try and attain

Friday, May 9, 2014

Optimism is an effort

I wake up sweating
From a dream

Where i traveresed
The length and breadth of
The land where i want to live
Eating its foods

So good was the dream
That my tummy was full from it
Early in the morning
The sights, the smell, the taste
Of the the food and land
Were all upon me

For a moment
The choice was mine
To be happy at such a fulfilling dream
Or to be sad
That it wasn't true

Often i choose to doom myself
With the second choice
(The real me under the cheery facade
Is a pessimist)
But sometimes, some times
It's good to float for hours

Monday, May 5, 2014

Is it vain

To not regret anything?

I find my past actions inevitable
Even if i was given a second chance
My feelings would inexorably lead me
To the very steps that doomed me 
The first time around

I would want the circumstances
Of my unhappiness changed
But then, one can only regret
One's own actions,
Not circumstances

Unwanted luxury

To be a harridan
Is a luxury, i suppose
No one else
Would allow me
To go this far

But again,
I am an austere person
Give me just the simple pleasure
Of conversation

The energy for yelling my lungs out
I would like to reserve for emergencies

#happy day




Thursday, May 1, 2014