Sometimes you want a man
Who gives you what
Your father didn't want
Sometimes you want
To be your father
And attract a man like your mother
Sometimes you run away
From everything that smells
Of your father
And only a few times
Do you want a man
That looks, talks and acts
Like your father
(Of course,
Sometimes that's what you want
All along
And you deny it to yourself
Because you don't know it.
But this is just one of a million
Probable phenomena,
Making up a miniscule part
Of a possible range)
What you did get right
Was that
Everything revolves around your father,
Whether you lean towards the type,
Or away from it,
He is the central 'type' in your life
(But even then,
Only if he is
The primary man in your life-
Sometimes it may be a brother,
A friend, a no-relation)