Monday, March 16, 2015

Suppress, suppress

The encyclopedias in my head 
Just a defense mechanism
Against feelings
So i can just throw information 
At any emotion
That attacks

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Sorry you are the one

Who has to deal with
The jagged edges
Of my
Yet unformed 

(Nobody  else
Gets so close)

Friday, March 6, 2015


Come to think of it,
The romanticising  of home
Seems to be just a producct
Of male  literature 

A place  where  he  has 
All the comforts 
No restriction

A woman  just wants to escape
From the daily drudgery 
Of providing  for the comforts 
And fighting  the  restrictions 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Conversion disorder

You know  that u r acting
But u still believe  the act  urself

Delivered with a smirk

How can u not remember 
When u kno
Wat u cannot  remember 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

denial, anger, bargaining, depression

you know you are growing old when
the darkest of places start lightening up

i hate rain

"you cannot be a poet
if you don't like rain"
yea, right