Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Cycle of family history

Often strong mothers
Seem to bring forth
Weak daughters

Little girls for whom
Their mother is the world
And they need no more,
Are content to follow her around
And live in her warm glow

And when they grow up
Are so cowed down
By their mother's effervescence
That they decide beforehand
Not to compete
Since there is no shame
In losing to mother

When high attraction

Trumps low compatibility

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

way to go!

a generation ago,
women with short hair
looked like
women trying to imitate men
and none too flattering imitations,
at that

women with short hair
look like women
with short hair

Friday, October 2, 2015

brave new world

Men have been telling us lies
All this while
Earning money
In the "wide world"
Is so easy
So, so much easier
Than what we do
- heard from a friend
married five years

Reading theories

Is seeing out there
What is already in your mind
You only need to know
Who said what and when

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Bugs me

I would say i hated
Bugs crawling over my skin
If i did not hate
The ones under my skin
Even more

(Touch me,
Replace all memories
That crawl
With ones that sing and dance)