with mr. wrongs"
is not funny any more
It is meant to break you
Only the best will survive
- a little life
Such a whole lot of difference
Between getting your heart broken
At 15 and 30
The elasticity
The bounce
The hope
At the back of your mind
That you don't even know
When you are 15
Sail you through
And you realize how much
It had helped
Only when you
Don't have it anymore
(Will i look back and say the same
Of me today, when im 45?)
The next four years,
He had said,
Will be of exploration
And it was as if
My whole life
Had been preparing
For this stint
Of hopping from
One preoccupation
To another
With barely time to breathe
As if preparing for
Old age when i
Don't have to tell myself
Oh shoot i never did that
How was i to know
That anything i started
At this time
Would never flower
Beyond the first stage
And that it would include