Sunday, June 30, 2019

edward dunsany

“And she would not hold back his limbs when his heart was gone to the woods, for it is ever the way of witches with any two things to care for the more mysterious of the two.”

“A man is a very small thing, and the night is very large and full of wonders.”

“And little he knew of the things that ink may do, how it can mark a dead man's thought for the wonder of later years, and tell of happenings that are gone clean away, and be a voice for us out of the dark of time, and save many a fragile thing from the pounding of heavy ages; or carry to us, over the rolling centuries, even a song from lips long dead on forgotten hills.”

“And indeed he had no sooner come to the field than he saw all the toadstools leaning over one way, and that the way he was going; for just as thorn trees all lean away from the sea, so toadstools and every plant that has any touch of mystery, such as foxgloves, mulleins and certain kinds of orchis, when growing anywhere near it, all lean towards Elfland. By this one may know before one has heard a murmur of waves, or before one has guessed an influence of magical things, that one comes, as the case may be, to the sea or the border of Elfland.”

“Now it is thus with time in Elfland: in the eternal beauty that dreams in that honied air nothing stirs or fades or dies, nothing seeks its happiness in movement or change or a new thing, but has its ecstasy in the perpetual contemplation of all the beauty that has ever been, and which always glows over those enchanted lawns as intense as when first created by incantation or song.”

"Know then that in Elfland are colours more deep than are in our fields, and the very air there glows with so deep a lucency that all things seen there have something of the look of our trees and flowers in June reflected in water."

zeno of elea

every step i take
takes me halfway
through to you

but no matter
how many steps i take
there is alwayshalfway left to go

#tendency towards #infinity
#achilless versus the #tortoise
#poetry in #mathematics

तिमीतिर पाइला बढाउँदै गर्दा

हरेक कदममा म आधी बाटो काट्छु 

तर जति पाइला चाले पनि 
बाटो भने सधैं आधी नै बाँकी रहन्छ

defying gravity

We know how gravity works, said he
gravity attracts things towards the ground
that's what makes apples fall from trees,
and that's why no matter what you throw up,
comes down

And yet, clouds go up, up, and up
they defy gravity
they form at the ground and
rise up until they are full

and that, to me, is spirituality

(there is something
that keeps them afloat
and that is invisible
it is that invisible thing,
that I try to make visible)

- Govinda Azad

Friday, June 28, 2019


के गर्छन् लेखेका शब्दले?

समुद्रको गहिराईमा पुगेर 
खोजेर ल्याएको  सीपि

अँध्यारोमा उज्यालोको झिल्को
विगतको स्मृती
जतनले जोगाइ राखेका 
विचारको संगालो
छरिएर पोखिने बित्तिकै
ओइली जाने फूलको अंगालो

शतक शतक अघिका गीतहरु
सम्हालेर आजसम्म 
ल्याइपुर्याउर्ने धागो
- Lord Dunsany


what you have, I will give you
and what you do not have,
I will take from you

what I am empty,
I can take no more
and when I am full,
I can accept
all the world's sorrows

if you seek it,
it disappears
like fog in the rising sun
and if you leave it be
it comes into you
slowly seeping and soaking
through your skin
into your visions


if you press her for gifts
she turns stone cold
and if you give to her selflessly
she gives back manifold


the sea was calm,
but underneath,
was seething with life


They were at the center
of the biggest crowd
and yet, they were unseen,
invisible, and in solitude


an implosion
and an explosion
that were perfectly alike


the more she revealed herself
the safer she felt


everything was new
and yet
everything was familiar
as if it was a secret
going back centuries
transcending lifetimes


and they fight destiny
by choosing it
they make the inevitable
a choice of their own


मेरो अस्तित्व एक गहिरो ध्यान
सधैंभरी सुसाउँदै उभिएको
अग्लो रूख जस्तै
तिम्रो स्पर्शका शीतल बतासहरूको
म हरासकें 
अहंको केही अर्थ छैन

थाहा छ टाढा भएपनि
नजीक छौ तिमी

फैलाउ आफ्नो अंगालो
आउन देउ मलाई
रम्न देउ मेर‍ो आत्मालाई
बिस्तारै त्यहाँ

जति गहिर‍‍ो तिमीमा डुब्दै जान्छु
त्यति चंगा जस्तै हलुका हुँदै जान्छु
चरा जस्तै आकाशमा उड्दै जान्छु

Friday, June 21, 2019

Open your arms and

Let my soul
Gently Ease into them

The deeper i sink
The Lighter i become

Monday, June 17, 2019

mathematics of a fishbowl

always she wanted a little space
away from the fishbowl she was stuck in

but a little space of her own she found
right at the center of it

invisible, to the rest of the world...

(two negatives make a positive)

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Of certainities

As the rain falls from the sky
certain that it will find the earth

so i know i will find you

maybe it is not wise

to trust another person's heart

and today we will put
those uncertainties aside