Saturday, July 25, 2020

the one thing

Life is everywhere around you
Sprouting forth from
Big pots and little cups
Unused helmets and broken bottles
Life leaps and bubbles from you
Struggling to get out of
Its containments

In the warmth of your embrace
Fledgelings find safety
under your mindful gaze
Ever careful, ever watchful
No one will go astray
No one will stumble
And if they do,
you will catch them

Whatever you touch 
Flourishes and glows

For you nourish it
With all the sustained energy
Of a river that flows 
Down from a mountain
And flows and flows
Into a deep lake
At the base of the hils

Every day the lake grows
Inch by inch by inch
until it is straining
Cracking here and there
Threatening to burst
And sweep away everything 
That lies beneath it
It must trickle out
In streams and rivulets
so that it doesn't explode

And then when you say
There is this one thing 
That bothers me

I know
Exactly what you mean

You have everything to give
And nowhere to put it
And invent new receptacles
Every day.....

Friday, July 17, 2020

the essence of love

When you are young you think
The essence of love is attraction

The way your heart spins
When you see someone
The way you anticipate for hours
A short meeting with your crush
And the way your mind and body
Melt after that meeting
Leaving your head spinning
Dropping objects, running into things
Unable to concentrate 
On anything else

You might be forgiven
For thinking this is love

But that is far too easy
For such a thing as love

Love is when your head 
Has stopped spinning
And maybe,
Instead of giving you
So much energy
He gives you only lethargy
And still you stay

For love is not
Leaving at the first sight of lethargy
Or anger, or disinterest
Or bitter words
Anyone can love when all is well
And it takes true love to 
Continue to make an effort
When the rose tint is gone.....

Love is peeling his skin
Bit by bit by one tiny bit
Carefully so that he doesn't
Wake up
And then putting it back together
Bit by bit
To see what exactly he is made of
To find out exactly what
Gives him so much energy
And what takes it away
What makes him smile in sleep
And what makes him jerk awake
and then doing the things
That make him smile
One at a time

It is lifelong, for love lasts
It is constant, for people change
So the skin you peeled back yesterday
For a peek inside
Will have no regrown
And the meat inside it
Will have completely renewed itself
So that every time you peel it back
It is a fresh new thing
It is arduous, for it means keeping
All the information in your head
At all times,
and accumulating more
As it occurs
It may or may not be rewarding
For despite all your efforts
There is no guarantee 
None at all
That it will work
And yet, if it truly is love
And not a passing fancy
It must be done
For evermore....

Friday, July 3, 2020

the origin of love

Maybe i had hoped that
You would love me
For who I am

And i guess that means
The romanticized idea of self

Of how talented or inteligent
Or kind or pretty I am
Or whatever it is
That you find 
attractive in me

apparently, that is not so
apparently, these things are 
Just for teenage fantasies

And love does not spring 
From these things

But the origin of love
Can only be love

An act of kindness
A reaching out
That says
You have noticed me

Why do you love me
I may ask

It is because you love me
You will say

And what if I stop loving you
I may ask
Will you stop loving me too

But I will always love you
You will say
Remembering that 
You once loved me......