What i wanted for myself
And what i want for you
Are so different
I am amazed at myself
What i wanted
Was only to be free
To explore
To see the world on my own
And so i pulled against
The binding ropes
Again and again
To try and break free
And for you
All i want for you
Is to be safe
To not wander
Dangerous territories
To come home every evening
Before the birds roost
It is exactly what
My parents wanted for me
Exactly what i railed against
All my life
And exactly what i promised
I would never become
Would never do
To my daughter
And now it is time for me
To remember the promises
I made to myself
To remember that
(In the words of Dumbledore)
She doesn't know what it is
To be old
But I know what it is
To be young
So i must not fail her
I must remember
That my love for her
Must not be the small love
That keeps her tied to me
At all times
Is anxious for her,
And sacrifices her wanderlust
Her desire to explore
At the altar of that anxiety
Barters safety for freedom
Keep her tethered,
Always in touching distance
No, my love must not be
That small love of old people
My love must be
The big love of young people
Which is happy to see her grow
Even if she grows away from me
Which is happy to see her fly
Even if dangers pursue her
Which is happy in her happiness
Even if it has
Nothing to do with me
Even if it breaks my heart
To let her go
Yes, i must be strong
For her,
I must be stronger than love