Thursday, November 17, 2022


A constant desire
For the conversation
To move beyond
The entirely banal
And into the
Or spiritual
Or best
Into what is
Impossible to
Put into words

Saturday, November 12, 2022

The measure of a marriage

I could tell you
How long they have been married
What each of them do
Who earns how much
And who they live with
And where

And that would tell you nothing
About the marriage

The marriage is measured
Not in such facts
But in moments,
In relationships

The relationship between
The number of times
The baby gets up at night
And the depth of redness
In the eyes the following morning 
(Yes it matters, Whose eye it is)

The number of yawns a partner takes
And the number of extra naps they get
The favorite returned with a number of
Unnecessary caresses
And the brightness of
The twinkle in the eyes 
In return

The number of coffee cups
Or teas or waters
That come in twos
Compared to the ones
That come in ones
And the hours spent
Stirring and stewing
The minutiae of life
That would bore
Anyone who is not them
To death 

Yes, these and more,
Are the measures of a marriage
And parenting
That are
Impossible to measure
By any means

(Inspired by, obviously,
Invisible cities)

Friday, November 11, 2022

Monday, October 17, 2022


Being battered by life
By the constant expectations
People put on you
And the constantly having
To give up
Your wishes
Bottling up 
Your feelings

And the result is
Not so bad after all
 It makes you
More humble
More empathetic
More socially skilled
More capable

And then you think
Perhaps this is necessary
To be a good person 
To grow up
To leave behind
Childish tantrums

So that's how you justify it
Make peace with it
The constant battering
That life gives you
That's how you accept
With good grace
The new personality you get
Which comes at the price of
All that makes you

Everyone needs 
To be a good person
In this world, you say
You don't necessarily
Enjoy life 
In this new skin
But then who does?
You ask yourself
Aren't we all
Sacrificing ourselves
At every moment?
Isn't this what
Adulting is?

Sigh. Peace.

But the peace lasts
Only a moment
Until you see a man
Who never had to
Submit to anyone
In that way
And so never learnt to be
And continues to 
Have his childish tantrums
And hold on to his

Thursday, October 13, 2022

The wallflower's moment

Born a wallflower,
I would like to be invisible
To the world
Unfettered as I pass by
A sigh of thanks
For not having to
Meet any eyes
Make any platitudes 

I would like to be 
By the eyes of
The whole world
Except for yours

For you, 
I would like
To see me
In full detail
I would like you
To know me
To recognize me
To remember me
And to come to me
When you need
A shoulder, a hand
An ear, a heart, a soul
And anything else
That I forgot to mention

If you were a lover
This would be
But since you are
My offspring
I guess
My effusions are
Expected and 

Turned off

When they turn off
The light of their attention

Some people
Turn it elsewhere
And simply let you wallow
In indifference

While others
When they rotate
The bright light of affection
Away from you
Will then turn on
The b(l)ack light
Of their hatred
Towards you

I think I know which one
I don't prefer

Monday, October 10, 2022


And if you explain
The workings of the world
And of my mind
In precise, clear terms
That shine with the glow
Of erudition and
Perseverance and
Maybe even wisdom

Who am I
To impose my 
Airy fairy
Mumbo jumbo
Over it

Who am I to obfuscate 
Lucid knowledge
With blurry faith
That could be no more than
Ignorant superstition 

Out of body

And if you claim that 
You flew out into
A beautiful white light
Were overwhelmed with love
Felt connected to
Every being on this earth
And met god himself

Who am I to say
It is merely your brain
Reacting to trauma

Who am I to reduce
Your spiritual ecstasy
To mere science

Sunday, October 9, 2022

About turn

To think that the girl
Who did not want to
Hurt any animal
Became the woman
Who might now
Strangle puppies and kittens 

Friday, October 7, 2022

Your favours

The whole world is watching
With bated breath
To see
Where you would bestow
Your favours

Who will you seek
When you are sick
To whom will you
Confide your secrets
Who will you show
Your treasures
And who will you treat
With the most kindness 

Friday, September 30, 2022

The dreams

That keep you awake
And the ones
That wake you up
Are not the same thing

And the question is
Which one
Is the real you

Love is

Love is
Extra sleep in the morning
After the baby wakes you up
Three times in the night
Love is
Taking the difficult shift
Of walking the baby to sleep

Love is
Sharing the last bite of brownies
Love is
Complements on a bad day
Love is
Support, no matter who else 
Is against you

Love is
A refuge 
When there's nowhere to go

Attention economy

As you gently play with my earlobes
With the softest touch, softer than feathers
Drinking your fill, 
With a faraway look in your eyes
My heart is full
It is the most I will ever be loved (or lobed)
The ardentness of your attentions
Humbles me
I am lucky
Because not everyone
Will be so loved, even once
Not to mention, again and again


And yet, despite the completeness
Of your attentions
I will let mine stray
I will let myself be seduced
By the easy attractions
Of glittering screens
Of clickbait

I WILL let you
Suck on, mindlessly
(Not you, I am the mindless one)
As I indulge in instant gratification
My mind craving
Hit after hit
Hugh after high
Conditioned as it is
To constant mollification

Just because it's there
Just because it's available
Just because I can


And I wonder
And I worry
If you can tell
That while you are giving me 
A hundred percent
I am giving you
Less than ten


How would it be different
If there were no phones
Would I read, 
When you are busy with me?
Or would I just look at you,
Watch your every look,
Feel your every move,
Wonder at your beauty,
Sigh at our bond?


Yes, I'm sure you can tell
Everyone can tell
Even babies
Whether they are getting 
The one hundred percent
The absolute concentration
Of attention
And when it's diluted
And you are simply
Background noise
For the other person
Whose mind is preoccupied 


And I wonder
If you will feel my love
Any lesser for it
If you will love me
Any less for it

Wednesday, September 28, 2022


For the minuscule pea
That you extend towards me
I would give up
Every other food 
That I will ever eat


The sun of your affection
Shines so bright
Every other sun

No, it's not necessary

That you like the person
Who haunts your dreams

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Required: sacrifice

So apparently there are 
Only two models of marriage
Across time, place and 
Any other dimension

One in which
The woman does everything
Accepts all the flaws
Of everyone around
Lets them flourish
At the cost of her own life 
Glosses over her pains
And brushes them 
Under the carpet
To make way for
Everyone else
And everyone is happy 

And another in which
The woman questions everything
And demands her equal share
Of life
And everyone is 
Constantly squabbling 

And I know why
I will never choose
The path that leads to

Thursday, September 8, 2022


Being with you
Is the most difficult thing
I have ever done

And yet it is easier
Than not being with you

Tuesday, September 6, 2022


And I pretend
Not to know you
For other people
Claim to know you more
And would be offended
If i disagreed

A strange world
Even my love
What I would do for you
Has to be veiled 

Wednesday, August 24, 2022



She greets everyone differently
And it is up to us to figure out
And squabble over
The hierarchy
Of her affections
Depicted by it

Some, she greets with a smile
And a ready yelp
With which she jumps
In their direction
One could say
This is the height of
Her attachment

She greets with a shy,
Hesitant smile
And will go to them
In a few minutes
One could say this is
Coyly affectionate

Still other,
she greets by showing them
She is preoccupied with
Something like a book
Or a picture, or a toy
Just a deflection
Or projection
Of affection
A seeking, of attention
One could say

And then there is someone
Or maybe just one
Who she might greet
Not necessarily with a smile
Whom she blithely ignores often
To explore new realms
Or to delight
In play, in society
Or a laugh or a yelp
But looks at
With a desperate yearning
In times of distress

I would like to believe
The hierarchy
Is not settled
By smiles


When I see you
And realize that
Forever I will look at you
Like a sunflower
Looks at the sun

My eyes will seek you
To drink up
The sight of you
And that will
Be the only food
My soul seeks

That to be happy
I will look to you
And see if you are smiling
To live
I will look at you
And see if you are alive

And the realization
That to live you need
Not someone to love you
But someone you can love

Tuesday, August 23, 2022


Pushing off
Every possible bind
Turning the heart cold
So that it wouldn't be roused
By affection

Only to fight tooth and nail
To possess

Comfort and happiness

As everyone knows
Doesn't give happiness

The amount of mental illness
Is exactly the same
In any two normal communities
No matter how rich
Or how poor
They are

Having your roads pitched
Having your house concretified
Regulating your room temperature
Having a machine to take the
Numbness of washing
From your fingers
Traveling in soft, fluffed up seats
Without having to jostle against
A dozen people for two inches
To land your butt in
None of these will make you happy
Neither will fulfilling
The myriad other desires
Of comfort
Not even
Being able to do
Nothing, if you so wish

Does not lie in comfort 

The mentions
Of prozac and valium
In the so called civilized nations
Makes me dizzy already

And yet,
None of us
Will give up
Even an inch 
Of the comfort
That we have
Nor stop striving
For more
As if it was
The only thing 
That mattered

Saturday, August 20, 2022


A mind
Like a glass of water
Full of dust
Swirling, swirling

Unable to settle
Unable to separate
Unable to be still
Unable to be clear

Nothing makes sense 

Friday, August 5, 2022

A room

And still,
Though I have everything
I lack
The room of my own
To write 

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

To feel

 In solitude

There is feeling

The luxury to feel 

The way I feel

In company

There is the obligation


To justify your feeling

To acknowledge

That the other person

Is also right

And then to arrive

At a mid-point

Which means nothing

To anyone

And is

Totally and completely



Blessed solitude

Art is produced

Only in this solitude

Where you can 

Dive deep

Into yourself


(In the warmth of company, 

There is no art)

Saturday, July 30, 2022


One doesn't need to be Yayati
To feel
The unending thread of desire

One kind word
One embrace
Is never enough

You just want attention 
All the time

Friday, July 29, 2022


Life is so much more
Even happy

After you decide to die

You don't have to feel

You can simply
Go through the motions

Let things bounce off
Of your body

And since you are dead
Every instance of happiness
Is a bonus 


I know it's not allowed
I know it's not my due
I know it's against the rules

And yet,
When I see you
I always ask you
Five more minutes?
An hour? 

And even I neglect to ask you
Be sure
That it is only because
I want
The whole day
Which I dare not voice
And so, since
Asking for five minutes
Makes no sense
I abandon
The whole enterprise 

For when you are gone
I will be left with
A deep and wide crevasse
That takes over my insides
That nothing can fill

And only when 
You are there again
Do I feel the abyss
With warm sunlight
That floods me up
From the inside

Ending in
The dawn of a smile


And today I found out
That a man
Will look upon the face
Of his newborn child
And only if
It is ascertained
That the child was not born
Under stars
That are harmful
To the father

And I am left reeling
With shock

As i think of 
What happens if
The child's stars
Harm the mother?

Do they never harm the mother?
No, that cannot be possible

In that case,
The mother
Has no choice but to look
Upon the face of the 
Inauspicious child

In an aside,
As a mother I would prefer that
Rather than have my child taken away
Because of some stars
Who seem so distant
And so less important
Than my desire
To hold my child

But then
Let's come back to the case of
The mother
And the "inauspicious" child

I don't think the stars are consulted
Before the mother
Looks upon the face
Of her child

Which means
Either that the mother is 
Not considered
As important as the father
(Which is of course the case)

Or everyone knows
It's futile
The child has always been 
With the mother
And so whatever harm
It can cause
Has always been there
And will be with her
After birth
Because you cannot
Separate the child
From the mother
At least, not so soon

Or both 

So there
Is the mother
Absorbing all harm
That the child can do
Like a tree
That takes a hit
Of lightening
And is still standing 

There is the mother
Her body already
A site of 
Not just birth
But battle, and death

There is the mother
An entire universe
In itself

And then there is the father
Running away
Making choices
To confront
Only what he can handle

No wonder
He seeks
To circumscribe
So much more powerful
Than him
By telling her
That she does not
Need to consult the stars
She is worthless

Tuesday, July 5, 2022


Some days
Ok, cut that and make it most days
Or even, all days

I would like to go to sleep
Not by the bark of a dog
Or the roar of engines
(That, most particularly)
Or the whistle of pressure cookers
But by the gentle sound
Of a river flowing by
And the chherful chirping
Of crickets

Some day I would like to go to sleep
Not in the harsh glare of a tungsten bulb
Or several thousand of them
Not in the half-light which remains 
In the city,  in any case 
Despite me and mine switching off
All our lights
But in deep, dark, liquid black of the night

Some day I would like
To be lulled to sleep
Not by the smell
Of the aftertaste of cooking
But the free growing gardenias
The parijats and the raat ki ranis
That light up the heart and soul

Some day when I am startled
In the middle of the night
I would like to open my eyes
Not to rows and rows and rows
Of houses
Each as concrete
And mundane as the other
But to the vast night skies
Full of twinkling stars

Some day when I lie restless
And my soul yearns for
Something I cannot name 
A bit of magic, a bit of poetry
And I walk out to calm down
I would like to wander
Not up and down the stairs
Nor fidget inside
The four walls of my room
But stroll
In a moonlit garden
Or forest
Or riverside
And feast my eyes on
The silver sights
Where all is black and white and grey
Where nothing had colors 
But they don't seem to miss it
And instead glow
With a faint, otherworldly irridiscence 

Yes, someday I would like to
Drink upon this scene
And let my soul rest
And recuperate
From the harsh, 
Beauty-less world
That is my reality
A world robbed of nature
And what it could do for the soul

As usual, I ask myself
How much of my imagination
Is a romanticizing
Of things I have never experienced
And how I would react
To these things if
They really happened

Bu today,
I brush that question aside

Today, merely
I think and I imagine
And I drown and I enjoy
The thought of these sights

Some day, 
I would like to see
Fireflies bloom
In the dead of the night

Thursday, June 16, 2022

If I had a pensieve

 I would pick out my thoughts

Strand by strand

Maybe in different shapes

Maybe solid, maybe vapors

But they wouldn't just be 

White or silver

They would be in 

All colours of the rainbow

According to how I feel

I would draw them all out

And then I would sort them

Thread by thread

Into different colours

And then weave out of them

story after story

each of a unique hue

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

I have decided to die


Rather than invest any emotions
on something
that you know
is going to hurt you
and that you know
you can do nothing about
every time

It's best to die

To let some parts of you die

To accept that
There is going to be no happiness
Nothing positive

To develop a thick skin

And just move on
Try to find happiness

Sunday, May 22, 2022

The roils of smoke

 I sit here

At a nondescript coffee shop

Enjoying the sweet, firey smell

of second hand smoke


No, I don't smoke

And the couple of times I tried

(Never in the intention of taking up smoking,

or even in the intention of resorting to it occasionally, 

but in the interest of experiementation

as I often do new things)

it did not smell so sweet

Maybe I did not have the right brand


It did nothing for me

So it does not attract me in the least

But now as I sit here

Watching the back of a young man's head

And the whole back, for that matter

Behind which

Rise the tendrils of smoke

blue-gray-purple-white-shining silver

I see their roiling shapes

coiling, becoming solid, round, oval

And through them

The view on the other side

Acquires a mysterious tint

 As if

They were half there

And half not there

Like something out of a fairy tale

Of which there are mere glimpses

I see the whole world


In that mystical fashion

And then the smoke disperses

As if choreographed

And wild, at the same time

Some of it thinning into

Sold shapes

Some of it dissipating into 

Ever more transparent sheets

And all of a sudden, 

It's disappeared

Like magic air 

That was there just now

And is gone in an instant

Like vapors of a magic potion

Or the intoxicating fumes 

Of a visible spell

And just this sight

Is enough

to entice me

I want you to be sensitive

 When I have a child, 

I want her to be sensitive

To beauty, you had said

And I was aghast

Because it never occured to me

To wish that for my child

And isn't that the antithesis of

Whatever we are working towards?

A just and equal society?

I want my child 

To ignore beauty

To make friends

Without looking at people's face

And yet when I thought about it

I realised

I just meant

Beauty in people

I want my child

To be open and compassionate

To everyone

But at the same time, 

Yes, be sensitive to beauty

In nature

In places, in living beings

In sounds, in music, 

In art, in designs

Maybe I would not have 

Put it in those words

Maybe it was not as important 

To me as it seems to you

And yet, yes, I would want my child

To appreciate all these things

To live a full and rich life

By appreciating not just 

Such beauty

But also knowledge, history, 

Stories, creation, compassion

Yes, compassion

For a long time I had 

Deliberated on what you said

Wondering whether that is what

I want for my child

Or the opposite of it

Only to realise that

it is not necessarily what I think about

When I think of what I wish you to be

Instead, I have other priorities

I want you to be


Instead of privileged slob

Entitled brat

I want you to be sensitive

To pain

I want you to be sensitive 

To everyone's individual stories

and situations

I want you to not live 

In your own bubble

So that you can do

What you are able to do

For the people around you

I don't expect you to save the world

No one can do that

But I wish you become

The kind of person

Who wants to try

And after that, 

Yes, I want you to be sensitive

To beauty and 

art and music and poetry

So that you can live

A rich and full life

For happiness, my dear

Is not for the compassionate

The vulgarity of love


Has a life

That I don't wish upon anyone

Caring for two

Who will never be able to 

Care for themselves

And now

To watch a third

Go down the road to 

Possible ruin

And nothing she 

Or anyone can do

No, not a life that  

I would wish upon any one

And yet she lives it

With such dignity

And fortitude

Every day

I never had time to feed them 

With my own hands

She said

I just put the food in front of them

And they eat

Or they don't

And I was struck

By the memory

Of how I feed you

Sometimes singing, 

Sometimes making faces

Sometimes switching dishes

Scattering grains on your plate

Enticing you with novelties

Waiting, always, waiting

For long minutes after everyone is gone

Just so that you would eat

An extra bite

I was struck by the memory

And the question

Of what she 

And others like her

Might think

Of a life like mine

Where I have all the luxury

To feed my baby

Yes, what a great luxury it is

Only now I realise

And I was struck by

The vulgarity

Of such a display of love

To anyone

Who doesn't have it

And I wonder

At this love of mine

At whether you should get it

When so many suffer

Whether I should 

Be so happy in your company

When so many don't have

What I have

And yet, 

My primary duty

Is to you

And only to you

Who I feed with such love

Time and again every day

And what a useless comparison that is

Neither here nor there

Which does nothing but

Make me depressed

Monday, May 16, 2022

Unwanted deluge

I don't want to start my day
By processing bitterness, 
Feeling dirty, unclean, and violated

But in my mind,
He is there with me, 
Grinning that simpering grin

Maybe he isn't in reality

Maybe he never thinks about it

But then, in my mind 
I am looking at me 
Through his eyes 
All over time

A used thing
A pitiable thing
A violated thing 
A thing which has no agency
A thing taken advantage of
A thing trampled
A thing that you can do anything with 
A thing crowed upon

A thing to be caged
A thing to posess

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Food for my soul

When I think of you
I think of how
I would rather not meet you
Because it is too much
For my soul

And instead
Drown in whatever
You have strewn around

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Measuring loves

 It is hard to say who I love more


I  guess it is not a question of more or less

The question is not objective,

it is subjective

It is about how I feel about

All each person

I used to think

that I love them so much

A new one will never take that place

That I will always be ready to drop

The new life

Like a hot potato

If they need me


Indeed, the opposite has happened

And I am ready to drop them

Like a hot potato

If she needs me


That doesn't mean

I love them any less

It just means that I feel 

Duty and rseponsibility


That I feel more responsible

For a helpless one

But they are still them

For whom I will give up everything

And where is he

For whom I will drop nothing

Give up nothing

I don't think I will 

And yet, without him

There is no happiness

There is no solace

And yet, even with 

Happiness and solace

I am still 


Still soulless



And when I think of

The one person

Who is in my soul

The one person

Whose happiness matters to me

The one friend who I wish to talk to every day

The one  who takes my thoughts

Puts them into order

And gives them back to me

The one who is at my center


Those who come and go

Those who I will serve

Those who make me happy

That one

That one is only you

Monday, March 7, 2022


I live on your crumbs

How dare I
Hope for half the bread

Rather than

The waves of hope
Cresting and crashing
Every few days

Takes too much
Out of me
Every time

And the next time
The waves rise lower
And the crash is softer

Only to rise with a vengeance
Somewhere else

Why not
Let them
Be still

I have injured you



I have tried so hard
To only give you love
And no burdens

Only to have the whole world
Foist its burden of expectations
On you

To talk

Is to hit
The same wall
Again and again

If I knew that

My life would not be my own
And that you would gladly
Put my life 
In the hands of others
I would not
Have chosen this life

To be unfeeling

I hope
Only to be disappointed

I expect
Only to be turned away

I am enthusiastic
Only to be shushed down

I suggest
Only to be rejected

I am possessive
Only for my possessions to be trammelled

I am decisive
Only for my decisions to be overruled

I love
Only to be brushed off

Why then
Should I feel

Isn't it just easier
To be a stone

So that I am
Neither disappointed
Nor turned away
Nor shushed down
Nor rejected
Nor trammelled
Not overruled
And not brushed off

Why do I always bother you

When I know it leads nowhere

And I only end up bothering you....

Living in shadow

Of something so great

That I am invisible 

I decided to die

Because to live is to feel

And who wants to feel....

Sunday, February 13, 2022


So little you need

To break a heart

Why don't you come see me, 

she said

A heart full of trepidation, 

Hoping for a yes

Conscious, of the long, long miles

between then

And still, hoping, 

For a yes

Because, he had said often, 

How much she meant to him

It should be an exuberant yes

It should be, I was saving up for this

I was waiting for this sign from you

But when he spoke

It was far, far from her plane

Do you think it will make me happy?

He asked

And just like that

She, who had wanted to hear

I will do everything to make you happy



Friday, February 4, 2022

Baggage mountain

Hurt piled upon hurt
Wound layered upon wound

I seethed
With words unsaid
Actions never begun

Just a seething
Just a raging flame
That i fanned
Until it grew and grew
And i glowed from the inside

All along
I waited

For something
The answer
To the flame

Apparently it was
All for you

So that you would
Come and
Not necessarily
Salve those wounds
Or heal those hurts
Or douse those flames

But so that
I could scorch you
With the fire

Burn one person
With the fire
Fed by
All of humanity
For eternity

(No apology
Is ever enough)


जति फैलियो त्यति फैलिँदै जाने
जति अल्झिए पनि नलडिने
जति लडे पनि ठेस नलाग्ने

आफु समेटिए
त्यति नै सानो र‌ न्यानो भइदिने

त्यहि एउटा ‌‌‌‌‌‌तिस्लमी
ठाउँ छ यो संसारमा

आमाको काख