She greets everyone differently
And it is up to us to figure out
And squabble over
The hierarchy
Of her affections
Depicted by it
Some, she greets with a smile
And a ready yelp
With which she jumps
In their direction
One could say
This is the height of
Her attachment
She greets with a shy,
Hesitant smile
And will go to them
In a few minutes
One could say this is
Coyly affectionate
Still other,
she greets by showing them
She is preoccupied with
Something like a book
Or a picture, or a toy
Just a deflection
Or projection
Of affection
A seeking, of attention
One could say
And then there is someone
Or maybe just one
Who she might greet
Not necessarily with a smile
Whom she blithely ignores often
To explore new realms
Or to delight
In play, in society
Or a laugh or a yelp
But looks at
With a desperate yearning
In times of distress
I would like to believe
The hierarchy
Is not settled
By smiles