Wednesday, August 24, 2022



She greets everyone differently
And it is up to us to figure out
And squabble over
The hierarchy
Of her affections
Depicted by it

Some, she greets with a smile
And a ready yelp
With which she jumps
In their direction
One could say
This is the height of
Her attachment

She greets with a shy,
Hesitant smile
And will go to them
In a few minutes
One could say this is
Coyly affectionate

Still other,
she greets by showing them
She is preoccupied with
Something like a book
Or a picture, or a toy
Just a deflection
Or projection
Of affection
A seeking, of attention
One could say

And then there is someone
Or maybe just one
Who she might greet
Not necessarily with a smile
Whom she blithely ignores often
To explore new realms
Or to delight
In play, in society
Or a laugh or a yelp
But looks at
With a desperate yearning
In times of distress

I would like to believe
The hierarchy
Is not settled
By smiles


When I see you
And realize that
Forever I will look at you
Like a sunflower
Looks at the sun

My eyes will seek you
To drink up
The sight of you
And that will
Be the only food
My soul seeks

That to be happy
I will look to you
And see if you are smiling
To live
I will look at you
And see if you are alive

And the realization
That to live you need
Not someone to love you
But someone you can love

Tuesday, August 23, 2022


Pushing off
Every possible bind
Turning the heart cold
So that it wouldn't be roused
By affection

Only to fight tooth and nail
To possess

Comfort and happiness

As everyone knows
Doesn't give happiness

The amount of mental illness
Is exactly the same
In any two normal communities
No matter how rich
Or how poor
They are

Having your roads pitched
Having your house concretified
Regulating your room temperature
Having a machine to take the
Numbness of washing
From your fingers
Traveling in soft, fluffed up seats
Without having to jostle against
A dozen people for two inches
To land your butt in
None of these will make you happy
Neither will fulfilling
The myriad other desires
Of comfort
Not even
Being able to do
Nothing, if you so wish

Does not lie in comfort 

The mentions
Of prozac and valium
In the so called civilized nations
Makes me dizzy already

And yet,
None of us
Will give up
Even an inch 
Of the comfort
That we have
Nor stop striving
For more
As if it was
The only thing 
That mattered

Saturday, August 20, 2022


A mind
Like a glass of water
Full of dust
Swirling, swirling

Unable to settle
Unable to separate
Unable to be still
Unable to be clear

Nothing makes sense 

Friday, August 5, 2022

A room

And still,
Though I have everything
I lack
The room of my own
To write 

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

To feel

 In solitude

There is feeling

The luxury to feel 

The way I feel

In company

There is the obligation


To justify your feeling

To acknowledge

That the other person

Is also right

And then to arrive

At a mid-point

Which means nothing

To anyone

And is

Totally and completely



Blessed solitude

Art is produced

Only in this solitude

Where you can 

Dive deep

Into yourself


(In the warmth of company, 

There is no art)