As you gently play with my earlobes
With the softest touch, softer than feathers
Drinking your fill,
With a faraway look in your eyes
My heart is full
It is the most I will ever be loved (or lobed)
The ardentness of your attentions
Humbles me
I am lucky
Because not everyone
Will be so loved, even once
Not to mention, again and again
And yet, despite the completeness
Of your attentions
I will let mine stray
I will let myself be seduced
By the easy attractions
Of glittering screens
Of clickbait
I WILL let you
Suck on, mindlessly
(Not you, I am the mindless one)
As I indulge in instant gratification
My mind craving
Hit after hit
Hugh after high
Conditioned as it is
To constant mollification
Just because it's there
Just because it's available
Just because I can
And I wonder
And I worry
If you can tell
That while you are giving me
A hundred percent
I am giving you
Less than ten
How would it be different
If there were no phones
Would I read,
When you are busy with me?
Or would I just look at you,
Watch your every look,
Feel your every move,
Wonder at your beauty,
Sigh at our bond?
Yes, I'm sure you can tell
Everyone can tell
Even babies
Whether they are getting
The one hundred percent
The absolute concentration
Of attention
And when it's diluted
And you are simply
Background noise
For the other person
Whose mind is preoccupied
And I wonder
If you will feel my love
Any lesser for it
If you will love me
Any less for it