By the constant expectations
People put on you
And the constantly having
To give up
Your wishes
Bottling up
Your feelings
And the result is
Not so bad after all
It makes you
More humble
More empathetic
More socially skilled
More capable
And then you think
Perhaps this is necessary
To be a good person
To grow up
To leave behind
Childish tantrums
So that's how you justify it
Make peace with it
The constant battering
That life gives you
That's how you accept
With good grace
The new personality you get
Which comes at the price of
All that makes you
Everyone needs
To be a good person
In this world, you say
You don't necessarily
Enjoy life
In this new skin
But then who does?
You ask yourself
Aren't we all
Sacrificing ourselves
At every moment?
Isn't this what
Adulting is?
Sigh. Peace.
But the peace lasts
Only a moment
Until you see a man
Who never had to
Submit to anyone
In that way
And so never learnt to be
And continues to
Have his childish tantrums
And hold on to his