Monday, October 17, 2022


Being battered by life
By the constant expectations
People put on you
And the constantly having
To give up
Your wishes
Bottling up 
Your feelings

And the result is
Not so bad after all
 It makes you
More humble
More empathetic
More socially skilled
More capable

And then you think
Perhaps this is necessary
To be a good person 
To grow up
To leave behind
Childish tantrums

So that's how you justify it
Make peace with it
The constant battering
That life gives you
That's how you accept
With good grace
The new personality you get
Which comes at the price of
All that makes you

Everyone needs 
To be a good person
In this world, you say
You don't necessarily
Enjoy life 
In this new skin
But then who does?
You ask yourself
Aren't we all
Sacrificing ourselves
At every moment?
Isn't this what
Adulting is?

Sigh. Peace.

But the peace lasts
Only a moment
Until you see a man
Who never had to
Submit to anyone
In that way
And so never learnt to be
And continues to 
Have his childish tantrums
And hold on to his

Thursday, October 13, 2022

The wallflower's moment

Born a wallflower,
I would like to be invisible
To the world
Unfettered as I pass by
A sigh of thanks
For not having to
Meet any eyes
Make any platitudes 

I would like to be 
By the eyes of
The whole world
Except for yours

For you, 
I would like
To see me
In full detail
I would like you
To know me
To recognize me
To remember me
And to come to me
When you need
A shoulder, a hand
An ear, a heart, a soul
And anything else
That I forgot to mention

If you were a lover
This would be
But since you are
My offspring
I guess
My effusions are
Expected and 

Turned off

When they turn off
The light of their attention

Some people
Turn it elsewhere
And simply let you wallow
In indifference

While others
When they rotate
The bright light of affection
Away from you
Will then turn on
The b(l)ack light
Of their hatred
Towards you

I think I know which one
I don't prefer

Monday, October 10, 2022


And if you explain
The workings of the world
And of my mind
In precise, clear terms
That shine with the glow
Of erudition and
Perseverance and
Maybe even wisdom

Who am I
To impose my 
Airy fairy
Mumbo jumbo
Over it

Who am I to obfuscate 
Lucid knowledge
With blurry faith
That could be no more than
Ignorant superstition 

Out of body

And if you claim that 
You flew out into
A beautiful white light
Were overwhelmed with love
Felt connected to
Every being on this earth
And met god himself

Who am I to say
It is merely your brain
Reacting to trauma

Who am I to reduce
Your spiritual ecstasy
To mere science

Sunday, October 9, 2022

About turn

To think that the girl
Who did not want to
Hurt any animal
Became the woman
Who might now
Strangle puppies and kittens 

Friday, October 7, 2022

Your favours

The whole world is watching
With bated breath
To see
Where you would bestow
Your favours

Who will you seek
When you are sick
To whom will you
Confide your secrets
Who will you show
Your treasures
And who will you treat
With the most kindness