I could tell you
How long they have been married
What each of them do
Who earns how much
And who they live with
And where
And that would tell you nothing
About the marriage
The marriage is measured
Not in such facts
But in moments,
In relationships
The relationship between
The number of times
The baby gets up at night
And the depth of redness
In the eyes the following morning
(Yes it matters, Whose eye it is)
The number of yawns a partner takes
And the number of extra naps they get
The favorite returned with a number of
Unnecessary caresses
And the brightness of
The twinkle in the eyes
In return
The number of coffee cups
Or teas or waters
That come in twos
Compared to the ones
That come in ones
And the hours spent
Stirring and stewing
The minutiae of life
That would bore
Anyone who is not them
To death
Yes, these and more,
Are the measures of a marriage
And parenting
That are
Impossible to measure
By any means
(Inspired by, obviously,
Invisible cities)