Thursday, December 14, 2023


For a flash of starlight
A bit of a grass and flowers
Forest and trees
Swimming in a 
River of moonlight
Grey and glowing
Silver and shining
With the wind blowing
And the cold biting

For a bit of myself
One with the universe
And none else

For some solitude
So rare
The honk of horns
The dust of tyres
And the glare of garishes

For firelight and music
Chatter and glitter
Festivals and feasts
Rituals and rites
That only happen 
In the night
By the moon or stars
And bind the soul
Like no sun can

For the
Singing and swaying
Musing and reflecting
Basking and soaking
Drowning and flowing
That can only happen
When you lay
Your buzzing thoughts
Your chores and your worries
Your tasks and your ties
To rest with the sun
And come
Free and unencumbered
Ready to immerse
In the night

So simple
And so unattainable 

In the next birth,
I might enjoy some

Or perhaps it is
To previous births

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Of suns and sunflowers

I never doubted
That I would be
The sun to
Your sunflower

That I am 
Only meant to be
Your sunflower
While you gaze
At another sun 

Monday, October 16, 2023

Whose leisure?

Amazing that
Who have 
Nothing to talk about
Other than politics
And how drunk they were
In different phases of life
Have all the time
And all the money
To sit around and 
To coffee and cake 
In the morning
And raksi and sitan
In the evening

While the women
Who have 
The entire life
To talk about
Have neither the time
To talk
Nor people to talk with
Let alone the money
To buy coffee and raksi 

Monday, October 2, 2023


I need to learn from myself 
To forgive people
And talk and laugh with them
In minutes

The way I forgive my daughter
And laugh with her
Immediately after she says
Sorry. Hundaina
And blows me a kiss

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Of patience in the face of pain

In vain do the men praise Karna
Who gritted hus teeth and bore 
The pain of an insect bite
As his preceptor slept on his bite

In vain do they praise him
For something
A mother does
Several times a day

And ask her how a night passes
With the baby's teeth and mouth
Glued to the softest, most delicate
Part of her body
Its nails curled around it protectively
Each ready to bite and cut and lash
As the mother
Tries this position and that
A back curved
An arm pressed
Hair pulled
Legs bent and squashed
All so that 
The baby doesn't wake

And if she is lucky
This happens
Only once a night
For two years

Until another baby

Thursday, September 14, 2023

A wet walk

It is very recently
That I was introduced
To the pleasures of
Walking in the rain
If it can be called pleasure

Not the warm, sprinkly,
Romantic, Bollywood kind

But the grim, wet, cold kind
That leads you
Into yourself

I imagine going off
Under an umbrella
Getting slightly wet
Ruminating, imploding
Thoughts becoming
More and more dense
In the limitation, suffocation
Imposed by isolation

Wisps forming into threads
And threads weaving into braids
Or forming tapesteries
Showing me 
Strange new patterns
Unprecedented and unseen
Beautiful and unexpected 

Sights that would 
Never have appeared
Without that specific moment
And which will always
Stay with you 
The rarity of their discovery
Startling you evermore

And I think of
How late I discovered
All this

And how little time 
I have left now
To explore it

Just thirty years, maybe
So little, so little

It makes me brace up
And learn to treat
Every occasion
With the intensity
Of its rarity 


I think of the things
I worried so much about
Clenching my teeth
Not sleeping
Getting myself in a royal funk

And wonder
Why I bothered

It's so light
Without the burdens

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

The eye

When the hurricane
That is regular life
Threatens to pull me
In a thousand different directions

I am trying to remind myself
The center of the hurricane
The eye around which
The storm revolves
At break-neck speed
Is perfectly still

It is difficult to remember
Every time

You must keep it together,

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Saturday, August 12, 2023

To see the world

Complacent in the inertia
Of your life
You take a step outside
Spend a day
In a completely alien environment
See life at a right angle to yours
Have epiphanies
The ripples of which
Last your lifetime

And even years later
When you look back
The day shines like a gem
In a string of mundane
Nondescript days
Still sloughing off
Meaning after meaning

And you realize
What it means
To step outside
Of your comfort zone

And start doing it more

You spend
So many years
On the road
That that becomes your life
And you have nothing
To go back
No complacence
No such thing
As the regular
The average or the base

What is the balance?


Everything looked well
And she had
All the comforts
She could have asked her

Only that her dreams
Were only of

Saturday, July 15, 2023


The greatest luxury
Is a person
Who listens to you
Keeps tabs
And doesn't judge you
Day after day

Helps you join, 
Connect, pleat, weave,
Decipher, understand,
Denouement (as a verb)
The disparate threads
That make up your life

My freedom

Freedom might look like
Wearing shorts
- Not allowed in decent company -
In the bedroom

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

A drizzle

I let my daughter
Get wet in the drizzle

There was so much against it
That she might catch a cold
A viral fever
A pneumonia
Oh, in fact
That's all
When I was thinking of it
As a hundred-mouthed hydra

But yeah,
There is that much against it
And the dozen people
Who will simulate
A hundred-mouthed hydra

And what do we have FOR it
A child confined indoor
For several days
A warm summer day despite the
Threat of a downpour 

A laugh, a skip
A sense of wonder
As the first, tiny,
Almost warm
Hits her delicate skin
A discovery
That those roiling masses
Of dark nothings overhead
Can send moisture
Blessed little droplets of ambrosia
Hurtling down through the atmosphere
All the way up to your skin

So I let her
Dance a bit
Before she scurries
Back inside
Into the shade
Of the shop

A surprise, an awe
An intent concentration
As the sprinkle
Turns to a drizzle
I open the umbrella
And I haul her up on my hip
As we walk back homr
And she hears, 
Perhaps so close for the first time 
The pitter-patter of rain
As it hammers down 
On the umbrella
And sprays out in all directions

A sense of adventure
All the first experiences
Are adventures
No matter how mundane
They are to adults
So yes, a sense of adventure
As she reaches out
From under the umbrella
Catches a few droplets
On her outstretched palms
And exclaims
The rain! The water!
It reached me!

Yes, she got
The cuffs of her
Light-but-full-sleeved top

But then,
I listen to the words
Tumbling out in haste
Almost as if
They wouldn't make sense
If you don't know what to listen for

The rain! The water!
It reached me!

And I think,
That's a good deal

Just as well,
The Hundred-mouthed hydra
Does not read my blog!

Monday, July 10, 2023

The fear

Is not that
The marriage will be

The fear is that
She will end up like her mother
Working double shift
Taken for granted

And yet
Forced to smile
Through it all

Friday, July 7, 2023


To want
Everything the best
For you
To do
Everything I can
To help you have it

And yet

To not
Want to be with you

Is that still love?

(Maybe Love is a superstition.
A prayer we say to keep 
The thought of loneliness at bay.
- shadow and bone)

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Tree bark

The night
Just a reminder that
As long as I can hallucinate
While my eyes 
Scan from right to left
Moving from the top 
To the bottom
Of marked out tree bark
(Or the modern version of it)

I can stave off
The loneliness 

Monday, May 29, 2023

Where are the girls

There is a new pond 
In my.neighbourhood
Several, actually 

Something of a revival
A restoration
Of old springs that used to be

Dug up before they are
Buried by houses
That would have inevitably sprouted
If the place was left alone
As a bushy swamp

And now the ponds look beautiful
Surrounded by walls of
Orange bricks
Some carved stone spouts
And some beautiful structures

I take in all the beauty
All the serenity that comes with water
As I walk around the perimeter
Wishing there I was pond-view cafe
Where I could sit and work

And then I hear the splash
And see what's causing it
Six seven eight nine ten years old
Taking a dip
Into the green, algae filled water
Getting some coolness
On this parching hot day
Some take laps around the pool
Spme just fooling around
Some naked some partially

I enjoy their joy
Their happiness
Their facility of enjoying
Public structures
And I enjoy theur ability
To take off their clothes
And out it back on
In public, at leisure

I contemplate
On this happy moment
As I think
Is it allowed?
But of course, 
It belongs to them,
I think again

And then
The thought
At the back of my mind
Grows louder and louder
Until I can no longer ignore it


Sunday, May 28, 2023


Not to care

But at the back of your mind
Are dialogues
Come backs
Whatever you said
Doesn't matter 

Thursday, May 11, 2023


Also comes with
Throwing the baby
Out with the bathwater

Great not to care
About things
That drag you down
And drown you

But how do you retain
The care of
Things you do need to
Care about

Things that make you happy
And heal you


How light it feels
To shed 
All the burdens
Of care

To simply not care

Sunday, April 23, 2023


Like a lotus flower
Is the Kathmandu valley
With a fertile, plain
Circle at its base
And hills surrounding it
Unfolding in layer after layer
Around it
Climb up one hill
Touch the sky
And come back down to 
The earth

Because no matter 
How high you climb
One day 
You have to get down


And so is life
No matter how far you go
How high you reach
Down you come tumbling


No wonder
Is the flower of

Monday, April 10, 2023


They did say that love
Was not about posession
That it was about sacrifice
About seeing the one you love

And yet,
That's not enough, is it?

I have become
Like every other person who loves

It is not enough for me
That you are happy

But if I hear 
That you ran to the window
To see where I went
Or took my name
And missed me
When I was away

Now, that makes me happy

Et too cliche

Monday, March 20, 2023


 कहिलेकाहिँ त लाग्छ

निरञ्जन निराकार भगवानलाई

के आवश्यकता छ,

रुपको, रंगको

वस्रको, श्रृंगारको

The futility

Of trying to find someone
Who listens
To the entirety of your story

Saturday, March 18, 2023

God and music

Like the proverbial
Seventeenth horse
That has to be added
So that the inheritance
Can be divided into
Halves, thirds and sixths
And after which 
There still remains
The seventeenth horse
Which belongs to no one

So is god
When it comes to music

It has to be there
For all music to form
When there is no god
The music
In praise of love or
Nature or
Whatever else
Seems so very bland

Add god
And you have music
That speaks of
The deepest human feelings
Whether it is
The whole universe

And now remove
God from it all
And you still have
All the music
About the deepest of
Human feelings 

Friday, January 27, 2023


 I shore up no stories

To share when I see you

Why, why bother

You have burdens of your own

And no time

Or the inclinations

To listen to mine

I am determined to be content 

With the merely banal

Did you sleep well?

Is the weather too cold for you?

I say nothing

When you disappear

Into worlds of your own

Just at the moment

When I wish

For a kind word

Or a warm touch

Why bother

When you obviously

Do not want

What I want

Do not need

What I need

And my desires

Are simply a burden for you

And the burden

Is only going to make our evening

More and more cumbersome

I am merely silent

Because to say anything

Would be an explosion


I make no protest

As you ride roughshod

Over my carefully laid plans

Doing exactly what

I don't want to do

What is the point of protest

When I am going to lose, anyways?

I will do nothing

But display my own 

Status as a loser

But making the protest

So I let you 

Pretend to ask my opinion

And then go ahead 

And do 

Exactly what you want

But I still give you

All the courtesies

That are your due

And this is how

The soul withers

Like Bartika says,

Rukho banayekai chhu

Dherai dherai saal lagai


And now, there are two questions

If I am to share my soul

With nobody

Where will I express

Where will I be myself

Where will I let down my roots

Rest and replenish

Receive and be nourished?

Nowhere, I guess


If there is no space

For my wishes to be fulfilled

Where, then, will I be happy?

Nowhere, I guess


And what will I do with

All my stories?

All my wishes?

All my desires? 

I can store them up

Waiting for the right moment

Or, knowing that the right moment

Doesn't exist

I can pretend 

They don't exist


And yes, this is how

The soul withers

Becomes so thirsty

That even one drop

Of pure soul

Will be enough

To inebriate

Thursday, January 26, 2023


 I want to set down my roots


In some place

In some person

I want

To dig deep

Take in the rich, 



Feed and be fed

Nourish and be nourished

I want a space

To go deep within

Where I can escape

The cacophony of the world

To sleep, to lie

To hibernate, 

To gather strength

To contemplate

To muse

To be silent, and yet be at peace


Yes, I want to set down my roots

And you offer me

A flowerpot

Sunday, January 15, 2023

A moment of stillness

I need not rush to finish the game
Because i accomplish nothing
By finishing

So all the strategies
That help me do everything fast
Are useless

If I go faster
I only end the game faster
Which I don't want to

So now I must learn
To relax

Just to be
To let the moment
Go on and on

To let the game linger

To take a deep breath
And stop thinking about
When it will end

Saturday, January 14, 2023


It's too difficult
To write in your own language
Because then the feelings
Would be too stark
To confront

In other languages
You can hide
Behind wordplay