Thursday, December 14, 2023


For a flash of starlight
A bit of a grass and flowers
Forest and trees
Swimming in a 
River of moonlight
Grey and glowing
Silver and shining
With the wind blowing
And the cold biting

For a bit of myself
One with the universe
And none else

For some solitude
So rare
The honk of horns
The dust of tyres
And the glare of garishes

For firelight and music
Chatter and glitter
Festivals and feasts
Rituals and rites
That only happen 
In the night
By the moon or stars
And bind the soul
Like no sun can

For the
Singing and swaying
Musing and reflecting
Basking and soaking
Drowning and flowing
That can only happen
When you lay
Your buzzing thoughts
Your chores and your worries
Your tasks and your ties
To rest with the sun
And come
Free and unencumbered
Ready to immerse
In the night

So simple
And so unattainable 

In the next birth,
I might enjoy some

Or perhaps it is
To previous births