Sunday, August 11, 2024

Woes unlimited

When they said
That after marriage and children 
You stop thinking 
About anything else
I somehow
That they meant
It was because you would be
Happy in it

Turns out it's the exact opposite 
There is just ap much to do
So much to, so much to worry about 
So much to argue, so much to compromise 
That you have no time 
For anything else

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Either or

It's been a while
That I often think 
Of how 
Will and Lyra's story ended

They knew 
That while one lives
The other cannot survive 
That they would wither
In each other's lands

And what I thought
Was fantasy
Comes back to haunt me
Again and again
Because it is true
Every day, every where
For every people 
That none can survive 
In alien lands
Alien hands
And each would wither
In the other's sanctuary 

And so Will and Lyra 
Parted ways
Just so that
They could each 
Live full lives

And this
Was greater to them
Than being together 

If only 
I had had
That courage 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024


The image 
That comes to mind
Is a piece of wood
Flung into water
It is sinking
As most things will
In water

But then,
It is wood
Not stone
It's nature 
Is not to sink
It is to float
And so it will
It is just
A matter of time

So is life

And I wait
Wait wait
Deep in the depths of sinking
For the bounce to come back
For the moment of floating
When I break the surface 
And take deep lungfuls of air
And breathe 
And float along lazily 

I wait 
But the wait 
Too heavy to shake off
And I sink
Struggle to float
And sink again 

Thursday, May 16, 2024


You must do what you must do
Without caring about the results 
You must remove yourself 
From the results
From feeling anything 

Not because 
You don't care
But because 
If you only care
You cannot do
What you need to do


To the question of
Where do you live
If you are
Not to be yourself 
Anywhere, with anyone 

The answer is
You live alone
And nowhere else

The key

Is to kill yourself 
Ignore feelings 

To not look for
Ways to soak and spread 
And flower and bloom
In the harsh glare 
That is society 

And instead 
To spread yourself thin
Dip your toe
Test the waters
And withdraw 
Only spread your roots
Nay, not roots
But let down a tentacle
Only when it is right
Smile, agree, nod, laugh
For as long as needed
Feeling not a bit of it
Is not necessary here
Only acting is
Only doing what you need to do

And conserve
Your strength 
Live inside your head
Bide your time 
You can let down your guard
Close your eyes
And bloom
Let jungles rise from you


That happened before
So that I could accept you
And appreciate 
How precious you are

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Harsh light

A seed buried deep
In the depths of the soil 
Dark, loamy and rich

It burrows its way up
Slowly, gradually
Unfurls some leaves
Into the dark night
Silent and pulsating 
With mysteries, 
And the promise of life
Stars in the distant sky
And lavender fireflies aglow

A flower blooms

To the tune
Of this black night 

That's you

Taking your own time
To see the world
Learn its ways
Shutting down when you need to
Opening up when you want to 
Swaying gently to the breeze


And then imagine 
The flower 
Suddenly thrust into
Piercing white light
Harsh and glaring
Light so strong it's blinding 
And hot, the rays scalding

Imagine the flower
Standing in this white light
All day and all night
Without the rest, respite
And rejuvenation of the night

That's marriage 

Relentless, unceasing 
Scrutinies, demands
For answers, for justifications
Where there are none


No doubt you hate it
And yet, 
If you don't learn
To make friends 
With the harsh, blinding
Scorching white light

You will surely wither and die

And yet
If you do learn
To make friends with it
You feel
Like a traitor

How can you make friends with 
Something thay blinds you
Sucks the life out of you

Friday, April 26, 2024

The pleasure of food

Notes on

The myriad pleasures of eating


One day

I walked into a restaurant

And ordered a big stone bowl

Of noodles heaped with vegetables

And dripping with sauce

I knew it was an order for two

I was really hoping

She would like it


When the bowl came

I took one bite and relished 

The rich, savory flavor

She took one bite

And turned away



The noodles turned to 

Cardboard in my mouth

Why should they though?

It's the same bowl of noodles

Why should I enjoy it any less

Because she didn't?


This random research report

That I chanced upon randomly

On  instagram of all places

Keeps haunting me

Something about how

Mice were tested for cholestrol

And fed large amounts of 

Cholestroly stuff

But one group of mice never got fat

Nor develop any cholestrol

And after much investigation

It was found that the reason was that

The handler petted them

Stroked them, loved them

As he fed them

And so, the poison they ingested

Turned to ambrosia

There is so much poetry there

About the power of love

About how for food to be delicious

All it needs is to be prepared with love

And served with love

And so from mice and cholestrol

We jump directly into

unquantifiable, immeasurable

love, pleasure, poetry


But to leave poetry behind for a moment

It opened my eyes

To so many things

The way food seemed more delicious

When I was reading while eating 

Often in my childhood

Through adolescence

Reading and eating

Was my favorite hobby

The book felt less engrossing without food

And food felt bland without a book

And then I thought of how

Food is never just food for kids

You have to engage them with it

Like maybe let them play with it

Or you have to engage them elsewhere

Like in a story, a book

Or the way so many people

Painstakingly take hours to feed children

By walking them around, showing them sights


So this is inside us

This feeling

That food is not just food

It is to be enjoyed

With other enjoyable activities

Hence the way many communities

Make a celebration of mealtimes

Filling meals with talk and laughter

I am sure the food feels  more delicious that way

(Not Brahmins though

Our code of silence during meals

Is another long story, for another day)



At the risk of sound like a cliched blogger

(which I am,  incidentally)

I will have to put forth 

My reflections here

Which is that

Food is more than taste

No, let me correct that

Taste is more than taste

You don't like things because 

it has this much sugar and 

this much salt and this much fat

But because of how you eat it

In what company you eat it

Who cooks it, who serves it

How it is cooked, how it is served

And what memories you can make of it

And in this world today

Where we are accustomed to 

Judging the taste of food

by how much sugar and salt

and oil and fat it has

It might seem like a strange idea

That the palette 

Is not inscribed in stone

That it can be coached, 

that it can be molded

And that you can learn

To like things you thought yucky

Or dislike things you hungered for


After so much pointless rambling

I will go back to the story

And tell you that

That day

She did like the next bite of noodles

And the next, and the next

So ultimately, 

in my mouth

The cardboard turned back into

Rich, savory, flavorful, nutrition

To the fools

 Who thought that

Entry into men's worlds

Or excelling in it

Rescues them

From the everyday overload

of being a woman

Sorry, girl

There ain't no way out

From being a woman

And carrying

The whole universes

On your shoulders


That's the young me

I am the fools

Thursday, January 25, 2024


There was a time
When I used to feel
That life was just beginning
All the time, I felt
There is so much to explore
Back in my spring
And my summer
That lasted eons

I guess now,
Autumn has set in
And I fear how little time
I have left
To savor, to enjoy
All that the world has to offer

On a chilled, foggy day
Walking the frosted streets
All by myself
Wrapped up in my own thoughts

I lament
How late
I discovered
The joy
Of such days
The oneness
That gloom brings
The way it draws you
Unto yourself
And concentrates your essense
Inside, within

And so little time,
So little
To enjoy days like this
To enjoy
And percolating

Life, so magnified
When you stop living
On the fast lane

It's all personal

They say you shouldn't
Take things personally

And yet
If I smile
Through your rejection
Of me

Then who am I

What kind of monster am I

What do I have 
To smile about anyway

If you do not smile
Back at me