A seed buried deep
In the depths of the soil
Dark, loamy and rich
It burrows its way up
Slowly, gradually
Unfurls some leaves
Into the dark night
Silent and pulsating
With mysteries,
And the promise of life
Stars in the distant sky
And lavender fireflies aglow
A flower blooms
To the tune
Of this black night
That's you
Taking your own time
To see the world
Learn its ways
Shutting down when you need to
Opening up when you want to
Swaying gently to the breeze
And then imagine
The flower
Suddenly thrust into
Piercing white light
Harsh and glaring
Light so strong it's blinding
And hot, the rays scalding
Imagine the flower
Standing in this white light
All day and all night
Without the rest, respite
And rejuvenation of the night
That's marriage
Relentless, unceasing
Scrutinies, demands
For answers, for justifications
Where there are none
No doubt you hate it
And yet,
If you don't learn
To make friends
With the harsh, blinding
Scorching white light
You will surely wither and die
And yet
If you do learn
To make friends with it
You feel
Like a traitor
How can you make friends with
Something thay blinds you
Sucks the life out of you