Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Not eradicated so easily

I saw a silly soap opera
Being watched
again and again
even though
all the viewers
know it is silly,
can predict the story,
and know it by heart
after two reruns.
I wonder if the people have a new opium

Poor Marx,
Who thought
The opium could be destroyed
By bombing
A few seats of faith

When actually
The opium
Just grew and flourished
In different brands
Addicting us all.

I heard a young cousin
harping on his guitar
for fifteen hours a day.
I carried the newspapers
For a retired uncle
Who follows all kinds of news, obsessively
And does absolutely nothing with the information.
I followed an adoring neighbor
On a dog-walk,
Delightedly cooing over
Her just adopted Pomerania.
The slap of the door
Reminded of another neighbor’s
Punctual quarrels everyday

Aren’t they all but indulging
In their own brands of

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