Tuesday, October 16, 2012

no wonder!

रातभरी तिम्रो सपनामा बगिरहें 
बिहान उठ्दा आफुलाई 
चट्टानी बगरमा पछारिएको पाएँ 

no wonder,
तिन दिन सम्म जिउ दुखिरह्यो 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

A thing left unfinished

you cut off one head
and two rise in its place -
fire breathing

hercules, being hercules
doused each fang
with fire
and they never grew again

my fire does no more than sizzle
the deadly fangs
i, not being hercules
perhaps do not have the mental muscles
to throttle the pangs
of melancholia,
my personal hydra

once i cut off one  head
is it two, or three, or four,
that rise in its place?

yes, here it is again
come back to finish something
started even before
my earliest memory

i want to be a ghost

I gave him my heart, and he took and pinched it to death; and flung it back to me. 
-Catherine Earnshaw


knowing that
letting the anger simmer
can only lead to
more sadness
more misery
since there is nothing
i can do

with zilch options,

godless me
wishes i believed in all kinds of ghosts
so that i can come back and haunt you.
(just like catherine).

when you walked in

"If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger."

-Catherine Earnshaw

when all else existed
and yet you were absent
why was life merely a sleepwalk

why do i feel alive
after you walked in

if all else perished
and you remained
i would live
on the glow of your radiance

when all else exists and
you walk out
that day will my life end