with mr. wrongs"
is not funny any more
It is meant to break you
Only the best will survive
- a little life
Such a whole lot of difference
Between getting your heart broken
At 15 and 30
The elasticity
The bounce
The hope
At the back of your mind
That you don't even know
When you are 15
Sail you through
And you realize how much
It had helped
Only when you
Don't have it anymore
(Will i look back and say the same
Of me today, when im 45?)
The next four years,
He had said,
Will be of exploration
And it was as if
My whole life
Had been preparing
For this stint
Of hopping from
One preoccupation
To another
With barely time to breathe
As if preparing for
Old age when i
Don't have to tell myself
Oh shoot i never did that
How was i to know
That anything i started
At this time
Would never flower
Beyond the first stage
And that it would include
On stage the two players
The two men
Smiled at each
Like lovers
I whipped around
To tell you
What i thought -
All of your daydreams
And mental simulations
End with you shouting
"Leave me alone"
I conclude that i had done
Nothing wrong,
Despite your attempts
To convince me otherwise
I had always done my best
And my best, it appears,
Was not enough
And will never be
Being scared of
The most beloved works of art
Scared that re reading
Or re watching
Will rob it of its intensity
When tbe goosebumps go away
And the tears don't come
The second time around
Scared that
Constant repetition
Will rob it of meaning altogether
And yet
Unable to avoid its magnetic pull
Holding your breath
Feeling heart bounding
Until the song ends
In a blur
#सम्बन्ध हाम्रो धमिलो हुँदैछ
#परिभाषा तर त्यही हो भन न
Working hard all your life
Waking up one fine day
To realize your life is almost over
And you don't know anymore
what you were chasing
in the first place
Misplacing your energies
And giving up the fight
Forever believing
you missed out on your dream
Achieving all you wanted
Believing that to be the
normal trajectory
And judging everyone who
Doesn't achieve the same
Putting yourself on
Lower moral ground
For evermore
Giving the other person
The upper hand
Being obliged to accept
All their judgements
For evermore
Because you only lose credibility
From then you have nothing
Left to lose
To simulate love
When you want love
But dont know what it is
The going out of your way
To prove your feelings
To profess you care
The needless crying
The confusion
When you realize
That is not what you feel
But only what you are
Supposed to feel
(Reading milan kundera)
Not the things you buy for them
Or the time you spend with them
Or the kindness and consideration
But the wellspring of emotion
That will not be faked
Only that binds, nothing else counts
Peeling away the layers
Of my identity
Trying to reach the
"Real me"
And finding that
You have changed
The real me
And that i do not know
What i used to be
Fidgety jittery
Flighty overreacty
Startly jumpy
Burning up
Bodily energy
Waiting for
Thunder to strike
And being burnt out
When it actually does
What are they afraid of?
What are they hiding?
The slouch on the chair
The drooping eyelids
May give the impression
Of ennui
But look at the fingers
Constantly drumming
On the nearest surface
The toes scrunched up
The "droopy" eyelids
Blinking too fast
And you see
The nervous people
Who never rest
People with a core of
Air and fire
Wings and wind
What i should have known
That turning down of intensity
I figured (subconsciously )
Was a normalizing
Since i wasn't used to
So much intimacy
I figured
This is how it was
Supposed to be anyway
And that is sad
On so many differnt levels
I traverse so many
alternate universes
But always wake up
Back in the same one
Sleeping well
In the warmth of
human proximity
Makes me realize what i
Take for granted
And how much it means
As opposed to loneliness
You think ahead
Realize exactly how
The stages are going to go
Fortify yourself
And skip the four steps
Going directly to acceptance
Tell yourself there is no use raging
No use complaining and boring people
No use drowning yourself in tears
Coz in the end you have to accept it
There is no way around it
So why don't you do it right away
Bottle the four steps
Sweep them under the carpet
And get on with your life
Act nonchalant
Impress with your maturity
Tell yourself it is
The sensible thing to do
Then act surprised when
They pop up in your dreams
I gave you
My heart and soul
And now I have nothing
Left for myself
Let alone
Any chances for you
I may bite my nails
And stroke my hair
And fondle my face
Whatever little confidence
I manage to produce
In spite of my
awkward body language
Is real
While you
Are all bluster
And no matter
They all work for me
Eventually help me heal
Does that make me callous?
My world came crashing down
I dreamt of myself underground
With faint light shining above me
Above a closed ceiling
And i climbed and climbed
Struggling to get to the light
And the distance never seemed
To reduce
I was suffocating
Trying to reach that illusive
How apt
To figure out
That it was the light
Of understanding
And now that i cannot
sleep any more
There are no dreams
To point out the signs
When you threaten to
Walk out on me
Or kill, or die
Or something as drastic
I will tell you not to
But i will also
Wait and see if you will
Pause before taking
The final step out the door
if you will
Tremble before you leap
Come back
And tell me you cannot
(Not will not)
Invent a truckload of excuses
I will let you negotiate
Your own way out of it
I will wait and see
If you will confront yourself
And admit you were bluffing
And had not the courage
Or maybe got carried away
And then came to your senses
Or if you will puff yourself up
and tell me of your lofty intentions
Lying to yourself and in the process,
End up lying to me
I will see if you find
Dignity in your lows
Or if you decide to
Create a hollow persona
That you will spend
The rest of the time
And when i threaten you my dear
Or the universe, which is more likely
I want to be very sure
That i take that final step
That i make that leap
You won't catch me trying to
Get you to bargain and plead
I will have done my soul searching,
Rest assured
You just want to fall asleep
And not wake up
#onemore scar added
To the litany of injuries
Called my body
What kind of artist do i want to be?
The one with natural talent
Who improves at leaps and bounds
Or the one with just perseverance who makes great efforts to be competent?
You might say
I must not have seen
A lot of sorrow in this world
To be so sunny all the time
And yet i would say
What do you know of what i have seen
And that it is an effort
To find the strength everyday
To look for things bright and beautiful
To reflect and disperse
The world is a sad place you might say
Unfair, Cruel
True that.
But still there is much good
Amd if you haven't found it
I would say you haven't
Worked hard enough
Face the demon
Slay it
Come to realization
You would think that once is enough
But that journey
Supposedly from
Innocence to experience
Deamnds to be taken
Again and again
For the plateau of experience
Is not enough
And they have no stories
About ennui
And its constant demand of
The next high
That comes to your mind too late
And stays there for hours
Torturing with its possibility
If the woman represents
All things that
Can be known
And are to be known
For the boy
To attain manhood,
What then, does she mean
To the girl to attain womanhood?
Does it mean that women
Are already wise
And have known
What can can be
And is to be known?
If so, then why is the real woman
Not treated with as much reverence
As this symbol of a figure?
The awareness
Of you
Or of others
Keeps my thoughts
From clotting
Into poetry
It doesn't have to be
Or even sight
But simple awareness
Of someone beside me
Who may need my attention
At some point
Half of the men
Who walk about arrogantly
Like they are gods
To their wives
Wearing their ego
On their sleeves
Would divorce right away
When they hear
What their wives have to say
About them
To their girlfriends
and what would happen
to the inflated chests
Of the other half?
I dreamt that i had long hair
But i was unaware of it
And woke up to feel it
soft, glowing, and strong
i dreamt of strength
Strength that i knew not
That i had
But now i do
Brought down
From infinitely wise
To merely clever
From erudite and strategic
To luckily intuitive
From revered and esteemed
To vapidly worshipped
From loved and loving
To lewdly lusty
And yet you,
Do not fail to dazzle
In all your forms
What would the world do
With the real you
When you dread to hear
Words you said years ago
When regrets
Decisions taken
Roads chosen
Are all blamed on
Words you said
Long long ago
It's such a relief
To be with someone who talks
And i can just listen and nod
Compared to the torture
Of small talk