Saturday, September 23, 2017


Just how much sugar
Does a cup of tea need?
If i put one grain more
Is it going to be cloying?
But if i put one teaspoon less
It will surely be blanf

Just how much butter in a cake?

Just how many brush strokes
In a painting of a bird
Will make it look like a bird?
If there is one brush stroke less
Is it going to be any less realistic?
Or three or four?
And when does it cease to be a bird
And is a collection of random strokes?

And what about the curlicues
On the dress i like?
What if they had been
Grapevines instead of orchids
Apples instead of mangoes
Paisleys instead of kalash
With the same amount of
Black and white
Would i notice the difference?
Would i like it all the same?

And i often wonder
What makes me me
What makes you you
And if there was just a little bit
More or less of this or that
If we would be the same

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