Wednesday, July 24, 2019


So many claimants on your soul
In this dystopian world
That will harden your very being

Abuse, betrayal, pain, suffering
And people who enjoy
inflicting all of these

Enough for you to lose faith
In the world and in god
Enough to be disillusioned
Enough to give up

And still, despite all of this
to hold on to the idea
That real and selfless connection
exists between two people
which feels like bathing
in a clear moonlit
pool of redemption
which feels like you can shoulder on
despite living in a cesspool
that is the world today
which feels like you have
a place to lie down
and rest your head
feels lie raging storms
have died down
and a surging river
has found its banks

maybe you have seen
and felt this love
and maybe you have
only heard stories

But still believe all this exists
despite how tempting it is
to fall into despair, disparagement
scepticism and disillusionment

Just to believe in love
is a great victory
for the soul !

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