Saturday, September 18, 2021


To me, 
It means
I hold no grudge against you
That I erase all that has happened
And leave behind a blank slate
And when I see you
Treat you like a stranger

To you
It means
I treat you like
The friend that you were

You ask
Too much

Friday, September 3, 2021


When ideas overwhelm you
And you struggle to write anything down
Because they jostle to come out first
Through the bottleneck of your pen
But when they are out you find them
Tangible and concrete
And not very much at all

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


For eons i have envied
The all consuming look
He gave her
A look that was oblivious
To anyone calling him
To any other beautiful
Distraction around
Come rain or snow
Come apocalypse
But he would not lift
His gaze from her

The gaze sought
Not to possess
But to protect
He would keep her safe
From any tornado 
Raging around her
Because his gaze 
Wrapped her so warmly
That anything seeking to harm her
Would have the gaze
To contend with first

For as long as i have existed
I have envied it
Wondering when
Or if ever
Someone would
Look at me that way

Only to realise
That i was meant to be
Not a recipient
Of the gaze
But a giver

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Law of inverse

The more ways of conversations
We have
The more mundane they seem to be

Smses chats vibers Whatsapps
Phone calls video calls
All ring with the 
Minutest details of the mundane life
Spoken in drab unenthusiastic voices
That drag on and on
And often end with 
Repeated questions of
What else?
So what's new?
Anything else?

Compare it
To the sparkle in the eyes
The leap in the voice
The catch in the throat
The radiance in the face
The speed in the heartbeat

Of meetings 
Few and far between
In the times before the internet

And i am inclined to think more
That we have lost
The essence of conversing
Just when we have been given
The easiest ways to converse

the Buzz

It occurs to her
Only late in life
That men always seem to 
Talk of women
In a vague, 
Impressionistic way

As in
They are happy when
Women are scurrying around
Wearing smiles and colorful clothes
Or weaving in and out of the kitchen
(Apparently) lending each other a hand

The details of it
Whether the women 
Are actually smiling
Or just conniving
Whether they are helpfully
Lending each other a hand
Or pulling each other's legs
Behind the scene
Doesn't matter to them
All that matters
Is the impression of
Smiling colorful women
Milling around

And it is the same with negativity
When they see the women unhappy
Or quibbling
All they care is that the quibbles
Should be gone
They have no idea
And no interest
In knowing what exactly
The women are unhappy about


First they told her
That she mist despise
The ordinary lives of women
Padherni women
Whose lives were limited
To their home
And who only went
As far as their padhera
Whose talk was limited to
Pee and poop of their children
To how to pluck saag
And how to kill the
Mice and cockroaches 
Infesting their kitchen
Who would spend hours discussing
Their techniques of making
A simple cup of tea
And months perfecting
The art of pickling radishes

Disregard these women
She was told
They contain nothing of value
You must strive
To get out if the four walls
That contain these women
For your world lies outside
These narrow confines

And so she did
That to conquer the world
It is necessary
To despise 
Women of that sort

But by then the world had changed

And she found that now
It was the men
Who despised such women
And got everyone else to despise them
That she was supposed to despise

Because the world
Of course
Rests on the shoulders
Of hard working women
And it is men who claim
To walk on water
Above the "filth" of worldliness
Believing themselves to be 
Too good for
Ordinary domesticity
Who had obscured her vision
Upended the way the world is seen
And led her to believe
That their world
Was superior 
To that of the householdy women

On her own 
She learned to despise them

And now that she despises
The sum total of everyone
She knows

There is no one
Left to admire

Wednesday, August 18, 2021


There is light rain on the windows
I draw back from it with a frown

I have waited days for this day
Planning, cajoling, scheduling
So that i can get away for a few hours
And enjoy a glimpse of
What i used to be

But then there comes the rain
I am disappointed
But i say, well, another day

This reminds me of olden days
When no amount of rain
Would have stopped me
I have a raincoat, i would say
How can you say there will
Be no rain tomorrow, or the day after, Or the whole month, I would say
And i would run off
No matter how wet or muddy i got
It was worth it to me
The experience of new things
The taste of life

For such is the desperate desire for life
That you only see in the young

And now I am jaded
Or cone could say - wiser
And i easily say
There will be another day

If only my life
Continued for another 200 years
Or a thousand years
I would grow wiser and wiser
Every day
More and more patient
I would then conquer the world

But that is not the way of life
One day my daughter will be
Youthful and desperate
Just as desperate as
I used to be
And she will set out into the rain
I have a raincoat, she will say

And I, powerless,
Or maybe unwilling
To stop her
Will sigh as i set about
Making recovery soup
And setting out her warmest
And dryest clothes
For when she comes back

And just like that
My well made wisdom will tumble
Like a house of cards

Such is the way of life
To make and build
With all the passion
As if it will last into eternity
But then to destroy everything
In an instant
Like a castle of sand
And to rebuild
Again and again and again

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Do words have power?

When there was no rain for months,
People used to come to brahmins,
Asking them to light huge fires 
And do a big hom
After that, there was always rainfall
My mother used to say
It was the words they said
Calling on the rain gods

I scoffed at her

Do not have so much power, mother
I said
They are mere words

I am now not so sure


I still wouldn't believe that
The brahmins' hom
Full of incantations
Chants calling upon the rain gods
Rhythmic rhyming singing
That went on for hours and hours
Were what caused the rain

And yet i think about
At all the chants they do
And wonder if they
Accomplish something


The chants of housewarming,
For example
Where they wish
Good health and prosperity
On the residents
Or of a marriage ceremony
Which wish the couple
Love health and happiness

I am sure they are effective 
In some way
In showering good vibes
Upon those present
As opposed to, say
If nasty, negative words 
Were spoken at the ceremony
If evil wishes were heaped on them

But then
Nobody understands the Sanskrit incantations
The words asking the heaven and earth
To bless them
Sending thanks and good wishes
To the plants and animals
And the air and firmament

Are the words effective
Because they have meaning
Or because they are said with good intentions?
Do the actual sounds have any impact?
Or could different sounds be made, with the same meaning?

For example if 'good' meant 'bad'
And 'bad' means 'good'
The sounds would have 
No inherent meaning
But the intention with which they are said
Gives them meaning

So, what if the sounds are made
Without the good intentions
For example i wish someone
Happy birthday
Even though i don't want them
To have a happy day
Would the words
Still carry my good vibes across?

Or what if someone 
Who doesn't know Sanskrit
Reads out the prayers
From a book
Would the words still carry
The same good vibes across?

If a curse is spoken
Without understanding the words
Would it still harm?

Monday, August 9, 2021

No coward soul

No coward soul is mine
No trembler in the world's storm-troubled sphere
I see Heaven's glories shine
And Faith shines equal arming me from Fear

O God within my breast
Almighty ever-present Deity
Life, that in me hast rest,
As I Undying Life, have power in Thee

Vain are the thousand creeds
That move men's hearts, unutterably vain,
Worthless as withered weeds
Or idlest froth amid the boundless main

To waken doubt in one
Holding so fast by thy infinity,
So surely anchored on
The steadfast rock of Immortality.

With wide-embracing love
Thy spirit animates eternal years
Pervades and broods above,
Changes, sustains, dissolves, creates and rears

Though earth and moon were gone
And suns and universes ceased to be
And Thou wert left alone
Every Existence would exist in thee

There is not room for Death
Nor atom that his might could render void
Since thou art Being and Breath
And what thou art may never be destroyed.

- Emily Bronte

Monday, July 19, 2021


I guess life gives
to each one of us
Exactly what
We have feared
All our lives
And exactly what
We know
Will happen to us

Monday, July 5, 2021

About turn

What i wanted for myself
And what i want for you
Are so different
I am amazed at myself

What i wanted 
Was only to be free
To explore
To see the world on my own
And so i pulled against
The binding ropes
Again and again
To try and break free

And for you
All i want for you
Is to be safe
To not wander 
Dangerous territories
To come home every evening
Before the birds roost

It is exactly what
My parents wanted for me
Exactly what i railed against
All my life
And exactly what i promised 
I would never become
Would never do
To my daughter

And now it is time for me
To remember the promises
I made to myself
To remember that
(In the words of Dumbledore)
She doesn't know what it is
To be old
But I know what it is
To be young
So i must not fail her

I must remember
That my love for her 
Must not be the small love
That keeps her tied to me
At all times
Is anxious for her,
And sacrifices her wanderlust
Her desire to explore
At the altar of that anxiety
Barters safety for freedom
Keep her tethered, 
Always in touching distance
No, my love must not be
That small love of old people

My love must be 
The big love of young people
Which is happy to see her grow
Even if she grows away from me
Which is happy to see her fly
Even if dangers pursue her
Which is happy in her happiness
Even if it has 
Nothing to do with me
Even if it breaks my heart
To let her go

Yes, i must be strong
For her,
I must be stronger than love