Sunday, July 7, 2013

Force-fed monogamy

like a round pitcher
that feelings, like water
exapnd to fill

forcing one to dismiss
    best friends as friends
    girls crushes as best friends
    lust for them, and for strangers,
    as unholy
making us feel guilty
    for "improper" feelings
    let alone actions
forcing us to
    stop loving many
    and to think of one person
    as the be-all and end-all
making complicance with it
    a matter of pride,
    and the uncompliant ones
    the objects of our
and in the end,
even convinving us that
it is the water
that was shaped round
in the first place


  1. you do you have to practice monogamy?
    how can others force you to be monogamous?

  2. i don't think you understand what I am trying to say, no matter, i will hone my skills until i m crystal clear
