Tuesday, October 1, 2013


"What if I had never come to you
We would both have led peaceful lives
Without pining for each other"

"In the next birth I will come to you,
then you won't feel responsible"

"I will be the guy then,
waiting for you"
"Yes, let us take turns"
"What if you are also a guy?"
"Then we would be gay"


  1. why could not the other character say, "thanks god, we would be the best friends, and there would be no scope for lovey-dovey complication"
    the other character is shameless if you ask me.

    1. haha, thats wat i expected too. but hey, truth is stranger than fiction :)

  2. Strangers are better (than) friends, on the other hand

  3. You fire another enigmatic shot. Stranger effect, in deed.

    1. Georg Simmel, a sociologist, came up with this, The gist of his writing on it was that strangers have a unique role to play in society. Among the many aplications of the theory is that sometimes people can open up more easily to strangers than to people they are familiar with. always works for me.

    2. Probably because you are a private person with lots of idiosyncrasies.
      I've been into psychology for 15 years, and I know what you mean.
      An 'outspoken introvert' who thinks a lot, rather than doing things, and tortures herself? An emotional fool?
      These are queries only, not conclusion.
      It's easy to get along with strangers naturally, for such persons.
      But you pull back or fall apart when strangers become acquaintances or friends and gradually get to know you? You stop feeling comfortable with them?

    3. i guess we all are private persons with our own idiosyncrasies. i dont know about being an outspoken introvert, and it has been long since i stopped torturing myself. but i am an emotional fool,
      and it is true that i get along with strangers easily, and pull back when they get closer. I stop feeling comfortable with them, it seems i fear intimacy.
      they say we all want to talk about ourselves, i wanna know more, where can i read about this?

    4. I don't show off. I told you the truth; the rest you have to explore.

    5. why wud u claim not to show off, when i dd not make that allegation in the first place

    6. I never suspected that you made any allegation. I, with humility, was asking you to find out because I did not want to show off. Apologies if I was not clear.

    7. actually, u r showing off passive-aggressively by not sharing ur knowledge :P

    8. Maybe yes, maybe not.
      I've reasons.

    9. Telling you about the book and the author would breach the principle of anonymity.

    10. it would not, unless you wrote it

  4. Replies
    1. You are welcome. May be I missed the whole point because I have not studied psychology or sociology, but I liked it.

    2. u did not miss anything. this is a just a refreshing conversation, my poems are not meant to befuddle :)
