focus on your work, says Krishna
and do not think of the results,
takes away your devotion to work
and besides,
you cannot control the results
you cannot control
how your actions are going to
impact the world
Krishna says your work will be pure
in that case,
the devotion is to Krishna, of course
No, you don't
to work for the happiness of the universe
If your society benefits,
Maybe Krishna said all of this
and do not think of the results,
but how would i work
if i am not motivated by
what i would achieve,
I would ask
and krishna would tell you that
attachment to resultstakes away your devotion to work
and besides,
you cannot control the results
you cannot control
how your actions are going to
impact the world
But how would I work?
With passion, or as duty?
Krishna says your work will be pure
if you leave personal interests behind
So you have to leave passion behind
for passion after all is personal attachment
And do your duty
how will i save myself
from being misguided
like arjuna who killed millions
maybe some will take it upon themselves
to kill people
or maybe not go to that extreme but
do things that harm others,
considering it their duty
in that case,
think about what will benefit the universe
every person has a role to play
and sometimes,
what might seem like a bad thing from near
may be good for the universe
if you look from afar
it is the duty of a butcher to kill animals
but even though it takes life,
it is necessary for sustenance
and the butches must do his work with devotion
so that humans are benefitted
always do your duty with devotion
and that should be enough
what is this devotion that you talk of?
to what or whom should I be devoted?
and how will that save me from the
moral implications of my negative actions?
the devotion is to Krishna, of course
but what if I am atheist?
do I really need to be devoted to a deity
to do my duty well?
No, you don't
Krishna is only a symbol
For the power that runs the universe
think of it as the almighty force of the universe
Which is beyond your comprehension
And it will do what it will do,
beyond your control
perform every action
with your devotion to the goodness of this
almighty universe in mind
and do only what will benefit it
and yet in doing do
if i am not motivated by passion
then I will be bored by what I do
or worse, feel my duty is a burden
and give it up
to work for the happiness of the universe
is also one of your duties
and for that, you too need to be happy
so you do the work that makes you happy
and also benefits the universe
when you are not working
make your you spend your time on
making your heart and soul happy
and do it with the same devotion
that you give to work
for making the universe joyful
is also your karma
what if there is a conflict
between what makes me happy
and what makes universe happy
If your society benefits,
then you directly benefit from
since you too are a part of it
The final aim is to fulfill
everyone's desires...
Of this big machine you too are a part
And if you are sad and
that needs to be repaired too
Hence it is your duty to be hale and hearty
In body, heart, mind and spirit
Maybe Krishna said all of this
Or maybe he said only some of it
And we understood more than what he said
Anyhow, to keep working without caring for results
To work with passion and get better everyday
And to do work that benefits the universe
Is not such a bad idea
And I have a feeling Krishna would approve
Of developing your own logic
To fit the situation
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