Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Good woman

So moved as Van Gogh
by the misfortunes
of people at Auvers
that he first gave them
his coat, 
then his home, 
and finally asked them
to move into his church
and there he lived with them,
eating what they eat and
living how they live 
forgetting his salary 
of a churchman

he gave his everything
and that gave him peace
relief (I assume)
that he gave his  best
to the world around him
and that he reached
everything and every one
that he possibly could

the world
was a small place...

today if you give you coat
and your home and your church
and all your lifetime savings
it will still not be enough
to solve anything
like van gogh one wants to
shower attention and love
on those whom your heart
seeks out

but today there are
so many millions
of sad stories that
one would just get lost
and drown in them

the theory is, of course
that we do what we can
that we do not look at the
whole wide world
but at our own small periphery
and contribute what little we can
to make the lives of
people around us better

but in practice,
we can do a lot today
a lot more than we want to
or can handle in a lifetime
a lot more than was possible
in van gogh's time

for example,
of course I can give up
all my bank savings
and my clothes and home
and save every month
to donate every extra penny
and raise money through 
fund raising events or charities

and yes,
i could do it all life long
because there would always
be need

so what is my excuse
for not doing it?

Once upon A time
It was enough
To be Good And kind
And care for the
Disadvantaged in your
Own community

And Now the Poor woman
Cannot even comprehend
How to go about
Being good

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