Friday, December 21, 2012

break up, finally

They said
a relationship is like a chewing gum
stretches thin
but doesn't snap

They didn't say
that when it does snap
it hurts
like a rubber band
bounced back after being  stretched taut

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The glass ceiling

they say a  woman cannot break a glass ceiling.
that is not true.
because the ceiling is not made of glass.
if it was
i would sail through it
never mind a few scratches on my face
or the knuckles that may bleed from smashing it
but it isn't made of glass. 
it never is.
cement, maybe, 
sometimes wood (the hardest)
sometimes metal

but never, ever, of glass.

but when i was a child,
i too
thought it was made of glass
and time and again
tried to sail through it
only to batter my head against it
bruise it,
and fall back on earth
exhausted, weeping,
like an angel in those classic paintings
but unlike them,  
i will never have a redemption
unlike them,
am doomed
to walk forever with a broken spirit
sleepwalk, more like, 
with a wounded soul

because now i know
(too late)
that the glass i saw
was just a mirage

the jewelled ceilings:

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


a surprise visit at lunch
a hug, a smile, a glass of apple juice
and extra spicy food for bonus

and lo and behold,
i lose my head at work.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Star dust

When life gets mudane
I remind myself that i am made of stardust.

Actually, we all are,

But you, and i, my dear
Must surely have come
from the same star!

Thanks again to anoopam axl

Saturday, November 24, 2012


And when i part from you
I want you to reverberate in me
For days afterwards

Friday, November 23, 2012


Don't drink when I am gone,
 it will ruin your liver

Don't smoke,
or your lungs will go up  in smoke

Don't hang out too late with the guys,
it ruins your sleep and gives you pimples

Don't you DARE overstuff yourself,
you will get fat, and you don't want that,
do you baby?

So many instructions for my baby

An observer might be forgiven
That it's because I care so much
When inside, deep down
I just don't want you to enjoy anything without me
Enjoy anything, more than me
In truth, I am just scared
That when I see you,
I won't recognize you
Because something else will have taken the place
Of your love for me

I am just scared
That something will steal you away from me

In truth, I just want you all by myself

Thanks to Anoopam Axl for the inspiration

poem to me

If I had you forever
I would hear a new poem about me every day

One more reason to add to the list of
#why I miss you

Thursday, November 22, 2012

appearances matter

if you want to attract that handsome stranger
it is not enough
to be intersted in him
in fact, it is not important
or even necesssary
to be in interested in him

it is only necessary
to appear to be interested

and if you want to be loved
by that handsome acquaintance
it is not enough
to be in love with him
or to adore him with all your heart and soul

you don't have to love him
or care about him
you only have to appear
to do so

and the more perfect the art,
(with as much practice as possible)
the more chances you have

ah, to be ready

maybe those who are loved
are loved
because they are ready for it

maybe it is important
to be ready

in other words
to put love
on top of the list

above rules
above ambitions
above images
above fears

*** the rules
that i believed it
and wasted so much time!

touched by a star

today i met someone
who has been truly touched by a star
and glows all the time
even in the midst of
mud and grime

having waited forever for my own star
i m so jealous
and yet, happy
at least i know it exists :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

i want a cameo

the way you reigned over my dreams
in the morning i wondered
if it was indeed me who dreamt it
or if it was your dream, starring you

or maybe, it was wishful thinking
i wanted it to be your dream
because i too, had a cameo in it 

नज़र यति तृषित छन् कि

जन्म दिनमा तिमीले पठाएको फूल
म सम्म आइपुग्दा ओइलिसकेछ
भ्यालेन्टाइन डेमा पनि त
एउटा ख्यार ख्यारे फोन कलले चित्त बुझाउनु पर्यो
यो पाली नयाँ वर्षको संकल्प
अरु कसैको हात समातेर गरेछौ
र था छैन अब कति वर्ष
गरी रहने छौ 

आजकल त यादै हुन छोड़िसके
क्यालेन्डर का यी राता दिनहरु

जुन दिन तिमी फेरी
घाम झुल्के झैं देखा पर्ने छौ प्रिये,
अर्को वर्ष देखी
त्यो दिन क्यालेन्डर मा चढ्ने छ 

Laxmi puja in the wilderness

The sky is so much more spectacular
When the earth is dimmer

Sunday, November 11, 2012

all roads lead to heaven - हरेक पुल तिमी सम्म पुग्ने बाटो हो

तिमी देखिन्छौ  कि भन्ने आसमा
निकै कप चिया पिएँ
तिम्रो घर नजिकै को भट्टी पसलमा

तिम्रो खबर  पाइन्छ कि भनेर
निकै चोटी नमस्ते गरें
रोकेर तिम्री आन्टीलाई बीच बाटोमा

आखिर सबै
तिमी सम्म पुग्ने
सेतु न हुन

तर यी पुल तरेर तिमी सम्म भने
कहिल्यै पुग्न सकिएन

"छोडदेउ यस्ता पुराना पुल -सेतु  "
भन्थे मेरा जान्ने बुझ्ने बहिनीहरु 
"आजकल को जमानामा
बाटा र पुलको के कुरा !!!
हवाई मार्ग नै खुला छन् !!"

नभन्दै खोजेर ल्याइदिए
तिम्रो इमेल एड्रेस र फेसबुक सजेसन
हो त नि भन्दै घर बाट बाहिर निस्किनै  छोडें म
पुल मुनि आन्टी लाई ढुके जस्तै ढुकें
तिम्रो आगमनलाई

एउटा कमेन्ट एउटा हेलो
एउटा सानो लाइक  भए पनि हुन्थ्यो !
केहि त थिचेको भए हुन्थ्यो !!!
मैले त ड्र ब्रिज उघारेकै थिएँ
तिमीले त
आधा कदम मात्रै न हिंड्नु थियो !!

तर अहँ,
तिमीलाई शायद
यस्ता भर्चुअल सेतु देखी वितृष्णा छ!
तिम्रो नामको छेउ मा
मरे हरियो बत्ती बले पो!!

निकै दिनको पर्खाई पछि
आखिर केहि नचलेर
लाचार भएर
फेरी म आइपुगें
तिम्रै बाटोमुनी को पुलमा

" :) नमस्ते :) आन्टी :) !" 

Self esteem

Why does it
Have to be raised
Again and again
By being reminded of
latest accomplishments?

(Heaven help the day
when the last two days were blank)

Once blown up,
Why can't it last for ever?
Or months?
Or at least a week?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

removing rose tints

If every loved one who died, baby,
Became a star,
Then i wonder how many people
Have to share a star each

मैले मन पराउन नसकेको मान्छे

कोशिश गरेपछि त 
ढुंगा पनि पग्लन्छ रे 
म त झन् एउटी 
साधारण नश्वर 

हरेक पल नया नया मान्छे संग बिताईएर 
छरीएर टुक्रिएको जिन्दगीलाई 
तिमीले जोड्ने जब कष्ट गर्यौ ,
मैले नै बिर्सिसकेका पललाई 
जब तिमीले सम्हालेर राख्यौ, 
बाटो हराएकी मलाई 
जब तिमीले डोर्यायौ, 
बन्यौ मेरो जिन्दगीलाई जोड्ने धागो 
बन्यौ मेरो आँसु पोख्ने भाँडो
नै थियौ मेरो संसार 

तर अलौकिक सुन्दरताले मोहनी लगाएको मेरो मन 
यो संसारमा कहाँ अडिन्थ्यो  र !

तिम्रै न्यानो मायाले नै 
मलाई हरेक रात मस्त निन्द्रामा पनि मुस्कान दियो,
तर पनि 
तिमी सधैँ रहयौ 
मैले मन पराउन नसकेको मान्छे 

मलाई थाहा छैन 
तिमीलाई मन नपाराउनु 
टेकेको धरती माथि अन्याय हो 
वा होइन 
तर यति कुरामा म ढुक्क छु,
गल्ती कबोल गर्नु भन्दा अगाडी नै 
तिमीले मलाई माफ गर्ने छौ

मैले मन पराएका मान्छेहरु 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Falling in love with you

Like a woman falls in water
With a rock tied to her waist.

And finally,

Impossible wishes

I wish i had grown up with you

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

no wonder!

रातभरी तिम्रो सपनामा बगिरहें 
बिहान उठ्दा आफुलाई 
चट्टानी बगरमा पछारिएको पाएँ 

no wonder,
तिन दिन सम्म जिउ दुखिरह्यो 

Sunday, October 14, 2012

A thing left unfinished

you cut off one head
and two rise in its place -
fire breathing

hercules, being hercules
doused each fang
with fire
and they never grew again

my fire does no more than sizzle
the deadly fangs
i, not being hercules
perhaps do not have the mental muscles
to throttle the pangs
of melancholia,
my personal hydra

once i cut off one  head
is it two, or three, or four,
that rise in its place?

yes, here it is again
come back to finish something
started even before
my earliest memory

i want to be a ghost

I gave him my heart, and he took and pinched it to death; and flung it back to me. 
-Catherine Earnshaw


knowing that
letting the anger simmer
can only lead to
more sadness
more misery
since there is nothing
i can do

with zilch options,

godless me
wishes i believed in all kinds of ghosts
so that i can come back and haunt you.
(just like catherine).

when you walked in

"If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger."

-Catherine Earnshaw

when all else existed
and yet you were absent
why was life merely a sleepwalk

why do i feel alive
after you walked in

if all else perished
and you remained
i would live
on the glow of your radiance

when all else exists and
you walk out
that day will my life end

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Flowers that i walk on

I m tired of walking over thorns
I wish i could come home to you

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Not eradicated so easily

I saw a silly soap opera
Being watched
again and again
even though
all the viewers
know it is silly,
can predict the story,
and know it by heart
after two reruns.
I wonder if the people have a new opium

Poor Marx,
Who thought
The opium could be destroyed
By bombing
A few seats of faith

When actually
The opium
Just grew and flourished
In different brands
Addicting us all.

I heard a young cousin
harping on his guitar
for fifteen hours a day.
I carried the newspapers
For a retired uncle
Who follows all kinds of news, obsessively
And does absolutely nothing with the information.
I followed an adoring neighbor
On a dog-walk,
Delightedly cooing over
Her just adopted Pomerania.
The slap of the door
Reminded of another neighbor’s
Punctual quarrels everyday

Aren’t they all but indulging
In their own brands of

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Giving the bride away
Bride price
Sunauli rupauli

Why should it always be about
Who owns the girl
When the girl can
Declare her own rights


Why should i
(or anyone, for that matter)
Look for everything in a single person?
Do we willfully create
So much intensity
And complexity
When we could just
Nurture compartments of
In different people.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

सबै भन्दा चहकिलो ज्योति

सबै बत्ति निभिसकेपछी
मोबाईलको उज्यालो

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Instead of december 2012

If the world ended right now
I would not be unhappy
The pillar on which i built
My dream palaces
The earth on which i walk


When I have nothing left
To look forward to
I have nothing
To give to the world

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I guess this is reality

you may be my dream man
this is not my dream

prince of hearts

Ever wonder why there is no
prince of hearts
in the deck of cards?

Because I stole you from the fates...

Monday, June 11, 2012


Like a lone dewdrop
Left untouched by the sun until noon

Thursday, June 7, 2012

provided they both care,

the person i don't lie to
is not the one
with the highest moral standards
but the one
who knows more about life

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Moral: teach the girls everything

You should be able to say no,
They said,
If you don't want it
Say no,
Be firm,
Be clear,
Say no.

After a lifetime of
False allegations
Wrong assumptions,
The girl finally learns what to say
To keep the wolves at bay.
To avoid the cringing
And the second guessing
That come
With a half hearted yes.

And realizes
That she has no words
For when she wants to say yes

Not even a maybe.

The full yes
Trundles the same baggage
Of cringing
And second guessing
As the half-hearted one.

How is that any better?

Friday, June 1, 2012

And were never meant to be

in this upside down story
where I am supposed to leave
already morphed princes
by the wayside
to kiss an unknown quantity,

i regret to say,
my dear prince,
that you are not my frog.

incomplete einstein

"an hour with a pretty woman passes like 5 minutes"
Einstein's illustration of relativity for the scientifically challenged

if time slows down and begins dragging,
mere weeks appear to be months,
and hours seem like days,
each moment minutely observable
in its intensity and detail
of sight, sound and smell,

Then you realize
that you have moved on
from Einstein's theory of relativity
to the emotional responses of shock
complete with
tunnel vision
auditory blunting
and an altered perception of time

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

दो कदम और सही

You graciously give me space
As is your nature
I think I am beginning to know you
I think we could get along well together
I would like to give you a friendly wave
But you are gone already

I wonder why you
Cut across me so rudely
I wish I could give you
A sharp tongue lash
But once again you leave

To be replaced by another
Whose gentle and unfazed style
I take a liking to
Before I start thinking
How long
This one
Will last

Before I become frustrated
With losing them
Just when I thought
I knew them,
I have to remind myself
That it is cars on the highway
That I am talking about
And not lovers

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memorable Goodbye

"memory like a suitcase with limited storage space
 I find myself trampling all over old memories to make
space for new ones"

The goodbye is a lot similar

I find myself trying to cram
the complete shared moments
and its official companion -
    the gamut of feelings
into a few sentences
that i hope you will remember forever
as the essence of us

And end up fishing
From that inadequate suitcase
Of most recent memories

Monday, May 21, 2012

The epilepsy called goodbye

It does not strike you
With the regularity
Or predictability
Of an epilepsy,

But when it does,
It leaves you
Gasping for breath

the disease without a cure.

The best you can do is
Hide the the symptoms
Until it is too late to treat.

Unlike other arts

The art of goodbye
Is one that you
Never get better at
No matter how many times
You practice

the moment you grow up

when the realization strikes
that all relationships require effort

even the ones
that you thought were natural
and the ones
you expected to be magical
(especially those)

It's not fair

That i appreciate a person so much
who comes into my life like a hurricane
and leaves just as suddenly

while there are many
who love me everyday
and deserve my thanks more

Need to know basis

When you gave information
On a need-to-know basis
I thought it was because
You didn't want to hurt me

And all the time it was because
you didn't want to hurt your chances...

(And there I was, looking for
all that happens
when you start a life anew)

it hurts

keeping the hurt to myself
it's not gonna help anyone
if i tell

but it doesn't help
when i spill over
turning potentially happy moments
into disastrous memories

and it helps even less
when i finally
burst at the seams

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Hidden depths

"minerva and dougal fell in love because they were both witty, and suspected hidden depths in one another"
- jk rowling
Lucky minerva,
Who did not wait to find out
If the depths were real
Or just mirages

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


वसन्तको  एकदिन
मेरा  सपनाले 
तिम्रो सिरानीमा  बास  मागे 
वर्षातको एकदिन
पानी संगै सपना
मेरो सिरानी बाट पखालिएर गए 

The need

to whitewash
and sugar coat
your words
and disguise
your feelings
just so that
someone will like you

because there is no one
who will agree

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Meant to be

Little coincidences of love -
       The same favorite color,
       The same hated subject in high school,
       The same indifference to a popular star -
Making you feel like
It's meant to be

The stuff of legend
If it works out

Dreaded skeletons in the cupboard
If it doesn't

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Do i not get it just because i never considered it my birthright?
Do you get it just because you never question yours?

Friday, May 11, 2012

Instead of a void

Lucky are they
Who have a tragedy
To cry and rail about
Cling to, refer to,
And orient around

They don't have to run around
In unexplained angst
Like the rest of us
When there is nothing
To make us happy

P. S.
Some people
Like the lovers of Peter Pan
Will always have the tragedy of their lost childhood

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The lingering feeling

When a favorite song ends
Before you are ready for it to end

It's good to remember
That it's never supposed to end
In the first place.

If i lived
Before cassettes and cd players
Reduced music
Into bite sized pieces
And turned compositions
Into an art form,

I might have
Hummed the same song
Over and over again,

Never having to know
The lingering loss
When my favorite song ends.

Tweaking a joke here,
Adding a feeling there,
Until i knew the
Rhyme and rhythm
Inside out,
And it rocked me to sleep
And sang in my dreams...

Never having to know
The lingering loss

Friday, May 4, 2012

Question - II

"My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods. Time will change it, I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees - my love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath - a source of little visible delight, but necessary."
- Catherine Earnshaw

Question: What does it take to get the rock out of the system?
Alien invasion?
Meteor explosion?
Dinosaur football?
Tectonic plate shift?
What? What?? What?????

Sunday, April 22, 2012

layer of love

the missing, the longing,
and the love for one person
is healed by another,
one layer seamlessly 
blending into the next


holding hands with someone
you blush at the thought
of someone else,
the layers 
grating against each other


you blow half a promise
to several people
the sum of all layers
still not making a whole.

you begin to wonder
when it was 
that love started
being laid out in layers,
like the slices of apples on a plate,
one overlapping the next,
instead of being 
one whole cube
meant for a single person...

maybe it was always so
love always came in layers
in order of lovers' appearance in life,

maybe it was always so
love always came in layers,
the layers different for every lover,

and it was only the storytellers
who were obsessed with romeos and juliets

Friday, April 20, 2012

तिमीलाई म के भनुं - VI (off the chart)

running out of superlatives
may not be a bad thing after all
i get the opportunity
to create unique adjectives
that are not even on the scale

glittering golden sunshine
tumbling waterfall
melody played by an angel

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Until i met you

I hadn't realized
That i had been sleepwalking.

My entire life.

Thank you for waking me up.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Who are the people
Who day after day
Bask in your company
That is as dear as
A cherished winter sun

Do they even know
How lucky they are

Friday, April 13, 2012

love in times of technology

i have deleted your number from my phone
so that i don't dial it accidentally
could you also delete it from my head
so that i don't think of it accidentally?

it was so much better five years ago
if i had the urge to dial your name
one too many times
i could just delete you from the phone

and i now i have to deal with
gmail yahoo facebook twitter
at any of which you may pop up
and put your name back in my head
all over again
and that's entirely aside from the
twitch in my hands
that inches towards the green dot
beside you name

self destructive

the inability to let go of
your worst moments
bad dreams
bad dreams turned real

even when
everything is going well in life

the urge
to introduce
only the most sorrowing part of you

the tendency
to bring up in conversation
the failures, the nadirs
when all is cheerful

the need
to identify
with only the worst part of you

feeling as if
you are not yourself
when you are happy

after all
everyone can be happy
only your sorrow
makes you unique
maybe even special

(unknowingly wishing
that like a black spot
on a child's face
it wards off
the evil of jealousies.
brings you love.
it is lonely at the top)

signs - III

infatuation with peter pan,
the one who never ages

is a sure sign
that you count nothing
that happened
after the age of twelve
as important

it is a hint
that it is impossible
to make you happy

because nothing counts
nothing even comes close
to those glory days

survivor's guilt

the survivor's guilt
that once used to happen
to people in stories,
people in shipwrecks,
fires, earthquakes,
and other such major tragedies
and rack the life
of those who lost their loved ones
and felt guilty for living on


has lost its

and pesters ordinary people
in small ways.
making you feel bad
for getting higher grades
when your friend has worked
harder than you
and you know
is crying secretly.

making you feel bad
for having an admirer
that your friend admired in the first place
and in addition to crying secretly
your friend now tries hard to keep it a secret
that she also despises you.

the pat from the boss
the lottery ticket
the complements
the radiant complexion
the money
the effortlessness of it all
(perhaps the most annoying)

instead of destroying the hero's life
with extreme pain, anguish and remorse
the survivor's guilt now pinches, pokes
and generally induces a mild everyday gloom
in a quintessential young woman's life

in the stories
the hero dies, becomes a monk
or performs an extraordinary act
of selfless social service
to cure survivor's guilt.
none of which is really appropriate
in dealing with its
reduced, everyday avatars.
there are no stories that help
with the guilt
of a charmed life.
of being thrusted with
unwanted little victories.

perhaps it was always so.
perhaps the reduced forms always existed.
only no stories were ever written
about anything lesser than kings.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


How easy it is to store life
In little chat box like compartments
That don't spill into each other

And how unhealthy it is
To navigate

Friday, April 6, 2012

You were so addictive

No wonder the withdrawal symptoms are shutting me down

When i promised

no one will take
away from
i guess i forgot to count

it's not your fault

the fault,
my dear,
in ending up
where we didn't wanna go in the first place,
is mine alone

it was me
who was flooded with warnings
but chose to turn the other way
you, on the other hand,
had no such restrictions in the first place

only after we had come too far
did i realize
that the "we" part of
"we don't wanna go"
was a fallacy
there was only me
foolish me
who counted on your warning system
to pick up where mine left

i lost

i always assumed that
i would be able
to draw the line
at the next step
not realizing that
you walk around with
an eraser in your pocket,
just in case

and so i lost
and so i lost
in ways many more than one

i lost the battle
when you erased my line.
which meant
that i lost my conviction
in my own battle skills.
and finally i lost you
because i would rather hold on
to my tattered conviction
and draw new lines
than hold on to you.

among all these losses
is the little unmourned one
that i have no time for right now.
the loss of my grip
over my own heart

I gained:
Yug Zee Tah


when you are negotiating
with half a dozen people
at the same time,
your "I love you"
doesn't bring comfort
but a vast loneliness

early one morning

i woke up
to a heartful of you

a whistling train it was
that woke me up
only to remind me that
we used to hear each other
even above the whistle

amidst the hustle and bustle
and pushing and quarreling
we held each other
(my messed up hair
seemed to remember)
and looked only at each other
(so thought my
early morning bleary eyes)

though i was so sure
that everyday,
for years and years
i had started my day
by unleashing my dreams upon you
and ended it 
by unburdening my woes on you
as we sat side by side
in the jerking and whistling train

search as i might
no proof could i find
that we ever rode that train

until many days later
when the ship of my search
anchored at the night before
and knew for sure
that we never rode it

like myths
that are always in the air
and you never know
where they came from,
in our hearts
that you don't remember
anyone putting there,
your love turned out to be
a memory
of a moment
that never happened.

we never did ride it, after all

it was just a memory
a memory
wrought from dreams
when i had fallen asleep
with a heartful of you

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Dear prince charming

I love it so
When poems drop out of your mouth
Like pearls
In a certain oft-quoted story

I have to say
That i prefer your poems
over those pearls any day
pearls are so cliched anyway!

(Having said that,
I should watch what i say around you.
I don't care to find out
What the linguistic equivalent of frogs is
:) )

signs - II

i try to pretend
that life is normal,
livable and complacent
without you

but the damn shaking foot
always gives me away

(sometimes the nail biting,
sometimes the rigidly curled toes,
sometimes an inncoent piece of paper
unkmowingly torn to shreds,
always, moist and trembling hands,
and in extremities,
when I have noticed and quelled all else,
a deep, nauseating pain
in limbs that I did not even know existed)

frying pan or fire?

if i cannot have you
for the whole journey
i would rather have you
for two steps
than not at all

i m glad
you strayed across
the path of my life
i m glad
our paths crossed
for a few ephemeral moments

it turned out to be
no more than two steps, ultimately
but i will take it,
rather than walk through life
without an inkling that
dreams do come true sometimes

having you

means that
i can give up
what hurts me
however hard it is

because i know that
whatever i give up,
i m not alone

what doesn't kill, makes you stronger

having lost you
means that
i know i can survive
any other loss

Midwest from my eyes

Dandelions in the spring

Tulips in the summer

Insanely glorious iridescence in the fall

Gently swirling snow in the winter

I am really jealous of people
Who live in real picture postcards all the year round

the ice maiden

make me wistful
for myself

i buy new dresses
i get a new haircut
fish out the lost eye liner
stuck behind the heavy closet.
after trying everything.
when i finally belive that
i can face you,
once again facebook tells me
that i will never be
as ethereally dressed
or as effortlessly beautiful
as you

(perhaps it is just as well
that facebook is here
i would probably
not survive your aura
if i came across it
sudden and unprepared
in real life)

(when will i stop
holding myself up
to your standards?)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

what a woman wants

is a reiteration
of your attraction
and commitment
again and again

breaking the news to you

broke me apart

they say time heals all pains

they lied.

far from healing,
the pain grows every day.

you just get used to it

enough to predict

when it hurts the most
so that you can quarantine yourself
until you are fit for human company

and when it hurts the least
so that you can schedule
your sleeping pattern around it

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Ditee is unavailable at the moment

You offer me
    A fairy tale romance
And i play back for you
    A pre recorded message

Your voice

From afar
You sound like the first rains
That settles the swirling dust
And calms the agitated earth
Close by
You sound like a crackle of flames
Bursting to set the world on fire

काठमान्डुमा पानी पर्दा

बाढी मेरो पर्खाल मा आउँछ

# फेसबुक
# diaspora
# displacement

if a man smelled like old books

i would devour him

#what would your amortentia smell like?

माफ गरिदेउ मलाई

मेरा हिसाब किताबलाई
मैले जति जोड्दा पनि
मात्रा नपुगेको पल लाई

अर्को जन्ममा तिमीलाई
कवि भएर भेट्नेछु

Monday, April 2, 2012

Please forgive

My calculated fallacies
And fallacious calculations
Of moments that don't add up

Next time
I will come as a poet

Friday, March 30, 2012

thank god for nights

the piles of snow
yards of sand
miles of forests
seventy seven rivers
and everything else
between you and me
that i will never cross

the walk under fall trees
(sunset colors all day long)
that you will never share
the beat up car
you will never ride
the sloping walls
you will never marvel at
romantic stairs
you will never pose on
and everything else mine
that you will never touch

far away from you,
i close my eyes
as if that will make me forget
that we will never be
in the same frame
except in photoshop

as if that will shield me
from sights that
are not for your eyes

only the nights remind me
that at least
we lie under the same moon


a poet wears outside
what should rightly be inside
just like the snail
wears its bones

the only difference is that
unlike an exoskeleton
poems are not bones
but pieces of soul


"My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods. Time will change it, I'm well aware, as winter changes the trees - my love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath - a source of little visible delight, but necessary."
- Catherine Earnshaw

Question: How many rocks are you allowed to have?

lunch hour

is such an entirely different world
from the work hours
that it is carved from

(dandelions. sunshine. rippling water.
snicket. nephilim. ritual regicide.
photos. poems. dreams.
stories if i am lucky.
blank screen. gray partition. a/c)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

सुक्ष्म संदेश

म खाना खांदै छु.
होमवर्क गर्दै छु.

कस्तो अल्छी लाग्यो.
टिभी हेर्दै छु.
असिना पर्यो. 
कविता लेख्दै छु.
अब पल्टिनु पर्ला.
छटपटी भो, कोल्टे फेर्दैछु.

म निदाईसकें
भनेर पनि टेक्स्ट पठाउन पाए
कति रमाइलो हुन्थ्यो.

(अनि कहिले काँही
'तिम्रो सपना

been there, done that

i wait for a miracle pop
that will release
all the tension in the muscles
at once!
and life can go back to what it was
before the pain.
instead it insists on its own pace
of minuscule degrees of healing
per day.
sometimes it's gone
and i can almost forget about it,
before it comes back with a vengeance.
the pain so sudden and piercing
i can hear my teeth grind
and taste the silent tears

i could have been writing about
the worst shoulder sprain
in my history
i could have been writing about
a shoulder sprain
that sounds extraordinarily like
the aftershocks of a break up
when described
i could have been writing about
the aftershocks of a break up
that made the shoulder sprain
seem like a pale copy

either way,
up all night i stay

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012

born before my time

my short skirt
is about sunning my legs
that haven't been seen out
in hundreds of years

i wonder what
the future will invent
for my breasts
that haven't seen the sun
for several millenia

होश हराए पनि मायालु. तिमीलाई भुल्दिन मायालु .

there was a point in time
when i remembered
every single thing
that had happened to me

as events crowded
and threatened to snap
my limited synapses
now more and more i realize
that i remember only
the most important things

Sunday, March 25, 2012

तिमीलाई म के भनुं - V

the plethora of worst superlatives
is a different story altogether
i never seem to run out of them

every time
i hope it is
the last worst superlative
i will have to coin.

but it is a wish that
my shooting star
dies trying to accomplish,

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Friday, March 23, 2012

Reconnecting. On the phone.

Recognizing faceless voices
That hadn't cracked
When you heard them last
Is an art form in itself

my dream man,

what if i meet you
after i m married to someone else?

i will acknowledge no gods

until a bloody (pun intended) vagina
replaces the upraised phallus
on the altar

सौ चूहे खा के बिल्ली हाज को चली

after conveniently taking a hundred calls
when you get one from a person
that you don't care much for
you decide to ignore it
because you "want to be with me"

Quarter life crisis

being afraid of not getting a job
second guessing your job
maybe i should have done my master's instead?
second guessing your studies
am i even learning anything useful?
i will never gain back the opportunity loss
all my friends have great careers
i am a failure
house, money, car, marriage
what else is left to do, at the age of twenty five

second guessing your love
so far away, who knows what he is doing?
coping with friends' marriage disillusions
married life? is the same as any other life
only i didn't have to cook for 9 people before
having your own marriage disillusionment
if that’s all there is, why should I go for it?
"the one that got away" syndrome
if only he had never left,
i would be the happiest person on earth

the myriad ranges of quarter life crisis
as many confusions as people

only a thin thread binding them all together
a constant, overwhelming, suffocating fear
of being stuck doing something you don't like
day after day, every day,
like a robot

Free Agents:
Yug Zee Tah
Archal 1

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Those 4 days

I come home and see
A bottle of water set out for me
To live on for the entire day

Even a cow
Gets an entire bucket full

The cow is better off than me
In so many other ways

For one,
Her shit gets to walk the kitchen
That my blood is exiled from

For another,
Her touch sanctifies
While mine

I squirm in my own house
Trying to touch as few things as possible.
While she roams free.
If I could be deflated like a balloon,
And made to occupy even less space
I would have been,
Long ago

And finally,
She even has a place among the gods
Where my blood rightfully belongs
(Yes i've heard the logic.
She is as nurturing as a mother.
I wonder who was the first person to forget
That she is only "like" a mother
While my blood is the real life giver)