Thursday, June 16, 2022

If I had a pensieve

 I would pick out my thoughts

Strand by strand

Maybe in different shapes

Maybe solid, maybe vapors

But they wouldn't just be 

White or silver

They would be in 

All colours of the rainbow

According to how I feel

I would draw them all out

And then I would sort them

Thread by thread

Into different colours

And then weave out of them

story after story

each of a unique hue

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

I have decided to die


Rather than invest any emotions
on something
that you know
is going to hurt you
and that you know
you can do nothing about
every time

It's best to die

To let some parts of you die

To accept that
There is going to be no happiness
Nothing positive

To develop a thick skin

And just move on
Try to find happiness