Thursday, September 17, 2020


Come not so close to me, 

she said

This i will not allow

This i will forbid


But what can I do, 

he said

I have so many thoughts

So many

all about you

These thoughts, she said

Watch them from afar

Thoughts are just thoughts, 

after all

unless you act on them

Watch the thoughts bubbles form

Keep watching them, 

do no react

And they  will burst on their own

Like bubbles on clear water

I will try, he said 

And so

Whenever he saw her

he simply watched her

And watched himself wathing her

From his mind's eyes 

He saw that he wanted to touch her

But this he did not do


See, he said, 

I di dnot try to touch you

I did not even come over

to talk to you


Yes, that is true, she said

But then why do you

Follow me with your eyes

Like the sunflower follows the sun


This I will not do, 

he told her

And the next time they met, 

He passed the test


I saw you passing and whizzing

From the corner of my eyes

And yet, did not look at you, 

he said

That is true, she said

But then, why, when I speak

Do you stop listening

To everyone else around you?

He bit his tongue

This I should not do, 

he said to himself

You spoke, 

But I continued listening

to the dear people around me,

he said

That is true, she said

But why did you spill your tea

And drop your books

When I spoke


He clenched his jaws

This shall not happen again, 

he vowed

You see, I held on

To everything I had 

Even when you were nearby, 

he said to her

I clenched my fists so tight


Perhaps too tight, she said

Is that what

Led you to tremble

When I passed you?


He cast his eyes down, 

And said, from now on,

You will not know

How I feel

You will not see

The slightest nod from me


He kept his hands to himself

When she was near

Carefully putting down

Whatever he held

Keeping his attentions

Firmly fixed on the 

Face and voice before him

Never even lifting an eyebrow

When she was around

He would not speak

For fear his voice would crack

Even taking care to keep 

His mouth firmly closed

So that his trembling lip

Would not give him away

See, he said, 


There is nothing 

For you to see

She nodded

And turned away

And he wished 

She would have asked

One more question

So where did it go?

The words he would have spoken

The smile that would have 

lit up his face

His senses that would have

leaped up at the first sight of her

His eyes that would have 

Followed her everywhere

Where did they go?


Where did it go?

He wanted her to ask 

The heart that would have 

Exhausted itself 

Trying to find what pleases you 

Where did they all go? 

Since they could not 

Go where they wanted to?


I still startle

When I hear you speak

Out of my sight

He wanted to say

You eyes, and my ears, 

and all my attention

Are still yours

But, if you ask me to listen

To the person in front of me

That I will do, too

so I do both things

Now my voice does not crack

But my heart does

From the effort of 

Keeping my voice silent

My hands don't tremble any more

But my very soul does 

From your nearness

And my mind

That you asked me to watch

For bubbles

And wait for them to burst

That mind of mine

Is so full of bubbles

Of your thoughts, 

And none of them burst,

But keep growing 

Every day

Until I have 

Nowhere to keep them....

the calm

 As a storm rages within

I stay perfectly calm within

Unable to react to anything

(In other words, dead)

I wonder if it is 

The storm before the calm

When life my fall into place

Or the calm before the storm

When all hel breaks loose

And I am jerked out of 

This stupor, willy nilly

Holding on, sewing together

Hoping that the storm within

Does not make my skin

Burst open at the seams

Who knows if the storm will pass

Who knows if the floods will abae

Every day is an unbearable wait

For something that will change this life


It is so difficult to take

Even the next step

When the air seems

Denser than water

And I am wading

Against strong currents


And yet, 

Finding the courage

Every dya

To just get through

Just one more day.....



काश छ नीलो तर

धर्ती छ अँध्यारो

राप छ मरुभूमीको तर

लागेको छ कुहिरो

शीतल छ बतास तर

तनमा छ गो


हिँड्दैछु जन्मभूमितिर

तर किन लाग्दैछ

म हरारहेछु


एक पछि अर्को

पछि अर्को गर्दै

बितिरहेछन् यहाँ

दिन महिना वर्षहरु


मैले ँखा देखिन

घामको उज्यालोमा

मैले बाटो बिराएँ

सधैं हिँड्ने गोरेटोमा

म लड्खडाएँ

सुन्दर सीधा यो राजमार्गमा


बाधा अड्चन अवरोध

केही नभएको यो बाटो

पुग्न त मेरै ँगनमा पुग्छ

तर पनि मला थाहा छैन

यो बाटोले मला कहाँ लाँदैछ


कहाँ छ त्यो धर्तीको स्वर्ग

जसला म सपनामा देखिरहन्छु


एक पछि अर्को

पछि अर्को गर्दै

बितिरहेछन् यहाँ

दिन महिना वर्षहरु

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Concrete sins


The rains fell relentlessly on her house, 

She ran to take shelter in caves, 

And watched the house made of mud

Dissolve in water, drop by drop

As if it was made of sugar

And the sweet water

Took everything with it, 

every strip of dry cloth she had

And every grain of food

She slumped back into herself, 

Closed her eyes, and prayed

If only I had a house

That no water could get into

That could have a warm fire blazing

No matter what blizzards howl outside

That would stand still

Even in the calm after the storm

You can have that house, 

Said her goddess

But it will destroy

A little bit of the earth

The earth,  it is meant to be 

Renewed every season

What the rains wash away

It would have deposited on river banks

And the mud would have gone back to earth

Grown up in flowers and fruits and trees

And in the place of what you had lost

you would have created anew

But this house that you ask for,

It will not be destroyed 

It will stand there

And stand and stand

The waters that would have 

flowed over it

Will have to flow around it

When you are gone

The house will not be 

Destroyed and rebuilt, 

as it should

But it will exist for 

far longer than a season

And when it finally dies

As all things should

It will not come back to life

As all living beings would

It will exist, in hard and brittle

Concrete bits and pieces 

That nothing can grow out of

That will not go back into the earth

Wherever they go, 

they will take death with them

For renewal every season

Is the ritual of life

And this house of yours 

Will flout that rule

It will be an aberration

On the map of the earth

The earth is large, mother

And I am but a tiny one, a nothing

You can grant me as much earth

As one point of a pin

So that I can be safe

In one lifetime

What is one point of a pin, 

To the great world?

And what is one lifetime

In the great flow of time?

Nothing, mother, nothing

And so the house was made

Not by borrowing from the earth 

And the river and the Forests

Mud and stones and wood and water

That would have gone back into them

But by hacking and plundering 

And accumulating and stealing

Sand and marble and other things

That would never go back

Where they came from

That would never 

grow anything ever again

That would, even when destroyed

Continue to hinder and obstruct

The rains and the winds and 

Seeds and little saplings

Every item a plunder

Every step a crime 

A sin against the mother earth

And yes she was happy

To be safe for a lifetime

It is just as big as a pin point to you, 

Mother earth, 

She said

And the pin point is nothing,


In someone as great

And munificent as you

Can you not give your daughter 

A little point of a pin?

Yes daughter, 

But don’t you see?

I have so many daughters…

Cried mother earth

But she shut the doors of her house

And went inside to warm up

By the blazing fire


And she continued to ask 

From her goddess

And from mother earth

Which were maybe one and the same

Things that would 

Make her safe for a lifetime

And leave a legacy

Of death and destruction


Will you fill up every inch of me, child?

The mother asked with tears in her eyes

Will you give me no space to breathe at all?

Will you not think for a moment

Of the sin against your mother?

Her daughter’s jaw was set

And her eyes were fiery

Plenty for some and poverty for others, 

Isn’t that a greater sin, mother?

Will you deny me what 

You gave to your other daughters?

Monday, September 7, 2020


 पहाडको टुप्पोबाट

    झरनासँग खस्दै

चट्टानहरुसँग ठोक्किँदै

    लहरहरुले उफार्दै

भुमरीमा फँस्दै

    कहिले डुब्दै

कहिले निसासिँदै

    बेपरवाह बाढीमा

बग्दै गरेको मानिस

    म नै थिएँ

समाउने परालको 

    त्यान्द्रो पनि नहुँदा

तिमीे हात दिन्छाै भने

    म समाउने नै छु

फेरी पनि

    त्यो क्षण दोहोर्याउने 

माैका मिल्यो भने

    पटक पटक

हरेक पटक

    म तिम्रै

हात समाउने छु