Thursday, December 26, 2019


It hasn't rained for
A hundred years
And miles and miles of
Golden desert
Are thirsty
For ages

And as the smallest 
Drop of rain
falls from the sky
After a millenium,
Waves of sand
Rise to meet it

Dancing with joy
Delirious with happiness
That a long held,
Dream is coming true

Sunday, December 15, 2019

au naturale

I like women who are
Simple and natural, he said 
None of the wild red lipstick
And loud laughter for me

So she fastidiously
Stayed away from
Red lipstick
Taking his words to heart and
Even staying away from
Moisturizer, foundation
And refusing to dye her hair

And when she had turned
Into a husk
Before it was time

He found someone
Who spent three hours every day
To perfect the au naturale look
That he loved so much


Just a note to say that
Men don't really understand
What they mean when they say

There is no such thing, wierdos

Saturday, December 14, 2019


समय यति कठिन छ कि
होशले काम चल्दैन 
थोरै नशा चाहिएको छ

र समय यति कठिन छ कि
त्यो नशा पनि 
समय सीमामा बाँधिएको छ
मातलाई पनि
डेडलाइन तोकिएको छ

चाँडै होशमा आउ
बेहोशीलाई पनि
बहोश हुने छूट छैन यहाँ


In a cold, rainy afternoon
Heavy with the promise of rain
The ice builds up in the heart
From early in th morning
Killing all shoots of hope
Of desire and happiness 
and growth
Until you feel you will never leave
The fortress of blankets 
You have built around yourself
Because there us nothing
Worth getting out for

And then you arrive 
With dewdrops clinging 
And shining and glittering
On every little hair on your face
Appearing to be
The snow king incarnate

But actually bringing
All the warmth
To dispel any ice

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


They say society goes in cycles


And she who had seen her mother
be so demanding, domineering
and take up a lot of space
physically, psychologically

decide to recede
demanding as little as possible
volunteering to shrink
when other people wanted to expand
taking as little space and time as possible
and silently suffering for it all

gave birth to ravenous daughters
who lived larger than life
and concentrated the energies
of everyone around
and demanded and
pushed and pulled for everything
they deserved and were denied


he who was unloved, unattended
responded by giving his children
all that he was denied
minute scrutiny,
miniscule enquiries
micro management,
precautions and safety nets
solicitous attention
at all public places

and she who felt smothered
wished she had more of a leeway
more of a space to do her own things
hating him staying up for her
when she was late
dreading the insistent phone calls
and the strident tones of conversations
raised her children with a cool equidistance
trying to give them freedom, privacy
and everything they needed to

gave birth to children who
longed for a little bit more care
for a warm embrace when they got back home
for a worried frown when they fell down
for a frantic phone call when they were late
and for people to stay up for hours
to celebrate or mourn
every little detail of life with them
children who longed for
just little bit more of demonstration
to feel that they were loved