Monday, March 5, 2012

when you stopped listening

when you stopped listening
I realized
(the chicken or the egg?
in this case,
definitely the chicken came first)
I spoke because you listened
and not the other way around

when you stopped listening
i imploded
instead of exploding
and venting to the whole world
as I had expected to
when I was free of you

when you stopped listening
i lost my speech
because i realized
that i had always spoken
for an audience of one

when you weren't reading:
Kay: Blossoms fruit if they don't fall
Archal1: When you weren't listening


  1. How did you really feel? You describe the events and actions, but I would love to hear you say more about your feelings.

  2. spoken to the audience of one or monologue it was? :)

  3. Thank you for the advice Archal1, critical comments help me improve :)
    You: not a monologue, there was an audience of one

  4. There are always at least three listeners: me, myself and I.
