Sunday, December 9, 2018


Sure, beauty competition is a capitalistic venture
That extorts women for the purpose of profit
Objectifies them and further contributes to their
Stereotyped status in society
Sets impossible standards of beauty
That leads to low confidence, low self esteem
And eating disorders for so many
And is responsible for my constant struggle
To lose weight because
Anything above size zero is “fat”

For all this and more,
I oppose beauty contests on principle

But at the same time
Our world is not going to change anytime soon
It is not going to become any less capitalistic
Consumerist, or patriarchal anytime soon

And so why shouldn’t a woman
Leverage capitalism to her benefit
In a world which gives her so little already
In a world where women are so poor already
Why shouldn’t a woman use and abuse
The system that treats her like trash
And get what she can from it?

Because if she is going to wait for a utopian world
Where every person (read woman) is valued
For her personality and contribution to society
And no woman is objectified, bid on,
And her sexuality and sexual choices are treated
With respect instead of contempt
She will wait forever (or grow into a skeleton)

Until the world keeps paying
To see women’s body parts
And keeps buying the things
Advertised by Miss world or miss very hot
Let’s not blame the woman
Who wants to make a quick buck

Maybe women of a previous generation were used
(Not that women today are not used and abused,
But this piece is about women and beauty contests
And I will leave aside the notorious worlds of
Media, movies, pornography and
The hidden routes of flesh trade for now)
So, maybe older women were used by
Beauty contest organizers and cosmetic companies
But today’s young women
Have learnt from these past mistakes
They get into these things knowing how to perform
Knowing exactly what they need to do, to give
And what they will benefit from it
Today the young women negotiate for ways
To get more than they give
To leverage their 15 minutes of fame
For a lifetime of opportunities

And I am sure, the ones who win the crown
Are not unaware of their role
As the carriers of capitalism
And still they choose to go that path
Because it gives them easily
What they would take years to achieve, otherwise

And if they still don’t know these unspoken rules
After a hundred years of beauty contests,
If they still claim naiveté
Well, shame on them!

Within the large sphere of capitalism
A very, very large sphere
 Everything in included
The status of women, feminism,
Everything has to exist
And to negotiate everyday with
The unseen biases of capitalism
Including women and their agency

The world will remain capitalistic
for the foreseeable future
And within it are the multiple layers of
Women’s agency
The beauty contest winner is one of them
She who chooses to play along
And fit into the capitalistic ideals of beauty
Let’s not forget that she chooses to do so
Because she hopes to kick capitalism in the ass
And become her own capitalist

Again, I oppose beauty contests on principle
And more important,
I support on principle the agency of any woman
Who can turn its rules on itself for her benefit

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