Saturday, May 4, 2019


did it hurt?
no it didn't
did you bleed?
not that I remember
did you resist?
I don't think so
did he beat you?
no, never
well then,
what is your problem?

did he tell you to keep it a secret?
oh yes, she might say
and they might put a tick mark next to it
and say yes, that is a grave crime
even if the other tickboxes
could not be checked

and she might
stare into space as she remembered
that the privilege of the secret
made her glow with pride
as if she was more special to him
than anything else in the world

Well then,
you don't even have a problem,
They might say,
If She spoke of This glow


And She Would not be able to tell them
Of how, even When She 
"Grew up" and "moved on"
She thought her role was
To simply lie down and Take it
To be as quiet as possible
To not raise even a finger

And later She Would not
look her lover in the eye
Because She Never knew that 
Intimacy could and should
Be acknowledged between them

And she could go her own way 
Pretending it Never happened
As she has learnt to do


She would also 
not be able to tell them

That once parted,
she took care never
to look at him

and yet she saw him
at every unexpected corner

she found him in the "gentleness"
of so called "civilized" men,
and wondered what sordid stories
hid behind their vapid smiles

she found him in the proud
confidence of arrogant men
and wondered where they got it from

she found him in the innocence of
simple, good, children
ad it broke her heart to wonder
how long it would last
in a world full of him

she found him in the faces of
frustrated women
and wondered if they would
ever get out of it

and no matter where she went
no matter how many skins she shed
she always found him within herself
ready to pounce and lay her low
the moment she let her guard down

No, they would probably not think
these were big enough problems

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