Saturday, October 19, 2019


at the end of the day when
laden with hopes, dreams, frustrations,
all our life starts flashing
in front of our eyes
you feel unable to cope with
all the emotions at once
you confuse a new face
with someone you saw years ago
things get repeated
you lose direction
you are just tired and want to sleep

that is what the internet has become
overloaded with everything
in the universe
and yet, missing essential things
happy things
little forgotten niches

for humans,
the night gives rest
and you wake up with at least
a little more measure of peace
and clarity than last evening
and begin a day anew

such is the nature of the world

and yet,
the internet gets no rest
it just keeps carrying on its
old, jaded, overloaded self
over and over again

no, this was not

this is not natural
this is surely the sign of the devil
something that gets no rest,
does not die when it is overloaded
and continues to grow in power every day
this evil must be exorcised and ended

and yet, i would be the last person
to give up the internet
even if it cost my life

our #dystopian world

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